This is the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Baseline Cluster reference implementation as produced by the Microsoft Azure Architecture Center.
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#392 opened by Kapilg18 - 3
Deployment warning: The property "schema" is not allowed on objects of type "ParameterDefinitionsValue"
#382 opened by pcgeek86 - 1
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Problem with traefik using updated repository
#398 opened by costadelsolbjj - 2
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CA certificate with Import password
#385 opened by Kapilg18 - 2
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Quota issue
#377 opened by pcgeek86 - 1
Missing directions for PowerShell
#378 opened by pcgeek86 - 1
Consider implementing AKS Backup
#375 opened by ckittel - 2
Update vmSize and/or add workaround for unsupported sizes in locations & zones
#372 opened by ShawnMcGough - 4
Workload identity
#369 opened by joachimnielandt - 3
Resource deployment operation failed
#358 opened by sbiitmc - 1
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Question: Azure Gov support
#349 opened by anwarchk - 0
Update AzureBastionSubnet size
#342 opened by ckittel - 2
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Firewall Deployment Fails
#336 opened by jachin84 - 0
Azure Firewall for Egress Traffic
#333 opened by nitinkhandelwal26 - 1
Breaking change in output of az ad signed-in-user show
#327 opened by ulkeba - 0
Azure RBAC role assignments fail to apply
#310 opened by ckittel - 2
aks-deploy.yaml file patching documentation issue
#307 opened by pallavgupta - 1
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App gateway subnet too small?
#293 opened by Justin-DynamicD - 9
"The resource provision operation did not complete within the allowed timeout period." - 06-aks-cluster
#295 opened by jiyongseong - 1
AKS-AzureDefender registration not documented
#300 opened by DavidWHarvey - 4
resourcegroups/rg-lanceaks/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/la-aks-rot3rzg3rh5ry' doesn't exist
#294 opened by llyons - 8
Application Gateway role assignment propagation time causes unauthorized Key Vault access
#242 opened by Xitric - 4
AzureKubernetesService FQDN Tag on Firewall
#289 opened by haithamshahin333 - 3
Bootstrapping Flux with Private Azure Repos
#275 opened by thepaulmacca - 7
APPGW with managed identity doesn't support Key Vault in in “Azure role-based access control” mode
#262 opened by DreamRivulet - 5
AKS fails to deploy
#264 opened by scaswell-hirez - 2
Non-functioning verification step
#257 opened by ckittel - 3
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#265 opened by thepaulmacca - 5
Key vault with RBAC instead of access policies
#232 opened by stephaneey - 16
Flux CrashLoop and Cannot execute Kubectl Logs
#259 opened by scaswell-hirez - 3
Info on multi-tenancy in AKS
#228 opened by Agger1995 - 6
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networking step needs correction in json
#234 opened by annakoshy - 3
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Hub and spoke diagram needs correction
#233 opened by abymsft