
A machine learning library for kotlin JVM.

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


build status version License PRs Welcome


Please compile against com.resnik.math:1.0.0 as well as this project.

Getting Started

This is a slightly different process to that of com.resnik.math.


<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"




Gradle (groovy)




repositories {
    maven {
        url= uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/mtresnik/math")
        credentials {
            // Runner stored in env, else stored in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
            username = System.getenv("USERNAME") ?: findProperty("gpr.user") ?: "<GITHUB_USERNAME>"
            password = System.getenv("TOKEN") ?: findProperty("gpr.token")
    maven {
        url= uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/mtresnik/intel")
        credentials {
            // Runner stored in env, else stored in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
            username = System.getenv("USERNAME") ?: findProperty("gpr.user") ?: "<GITHUB_USERNAME>"
            password = System.getenv("TOKEN") ?: findProperty("gpr.token")

dependencies {
    implementation group: 'com.resnik', name: 'math', version: '1.0.0'
    implementation group: 'com.resnik', name: 'intel', version: '1.0.0'

Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP's)

Finding solutions to smaller CSP's is simple enough using recursion, but harder for larger / more complex domains. For larger domains we run into the StackOverflowException and Java OEM Exception since the solutionset is stored at each point on the stack in a recursion model.

CSPAgent : A non-recursive Depth-First-Search (DFS) graph explorer with a Stack of parents. CSPSingleParentAgent : A CSPAgent with only one parent (used in Async CSP's)

CSP Types:

  • CSPTree : Synchronous, linear DFS on the search space using a CSPAgent.
  • CSPDomainAsync : Separates the first variable's domain into |D| CSPAgent's on separate sections of the search space.
  • CSPInferredAsync : Uses THREAD_COUNT CSPAgent's on separate sections of the search space.
  • CSPCoroutine : Uses kotlin coroutines in JVM Thread Pools.

If unsure which CSP type to use, just call CSPFactory

val variables = listOf<String>("A", "B", "C")
val domain = listOf<Int>(1, 2, 3)
val domainMap = variables.associateWith{ domain }
val csp = CSPFactory.createCSP(domainMap)
val solutions = csp.findAllSolutions()
val timeTaken = csp.finalTime()


Constraints are used to limit the search space given the initial variables and domains. Local Constraints provide path consistency while Global Constraints provide absolute consistency.

Local Constraints imply that local consistency tends to global consistency. Used for monotone solutions.
Ex: sumLessThan(), localAllDiff()

Global Constraints imply that the entire sequence is needed to know consistency.
Ex: isName(), equals()

Reusable Constraints accomplishes both local and global consistency. These can both prune the search space while exploring and be reused as global constraints at the end.
Ex: min(), max()

NOTE: High computation constraints should be weighed against search space complexity.

Worst Case Complexity (No Solutions, No Constraints):

// Had to change the background on this one for dark-mode legibility


Map Coloring

Same Sized Rects - Trivial Case Different Sized Rects - First Solution


(n=8, solutions=92, time=101ms) (n=14, solutions=365596, time=49.435s)

Quad Trees and k-d Trees

Speed Limit Sign (quad tree, distance threshold = 40 / 255.0)

Sunday in the Park With George (k-d tree, uniform random seeds = 1000)

K-Means Clustering

Euclidean Distance Relations

K-Means Shown as Points (k=20, seedPoints=40)

Seed Points: Sample Data the model is clustered on.

val kMeans : KMeans
// Initialize the kMeans with seed points
val closestCluster : Cluster = kMeans[samplePoint]

For initializing a kMeans clustering, use KMeans.getBestKMeans(). This will minimize the kMeans variance over the number of iterations.

// kMeansVariance: high = poor clustering
val kMeansVariance = kMeans.getMeanVariance()
// each cluster has variance as well
val clusterVariance = closestCluster.getVariance()

Image Compression

For image compression, your number of means is the number of unique colors you want. As k increases, from 8 to 16, 32, 64, etc, the quality of the image increases. Similarly, the number of seed points needed from the original image may increase when k is small to preserve information content.

K-Means Image Compression

Proof of Concept Work

Neural Networks

Feed Forward Neural Network

(xor problem, training set=4, data={(0,0),(0)}, {(0,1),(1)}, {(1,0),(1)}, {(1,1),(0)})

Recurrant Neural Networks / Convolutional Neural Networks (WIP)

More Tensor iteration work is needed before these are *fully fleshed out.

Support Vector Machines (SVM's)

Decision Trees

Example of decision trees on the Tennis Dataset but generalized for other Attribute types.

Tennis Dataset

Attributes = (Outlook, Temperature, Humidity, Wind, PlayTennis)
Outlook = (Sunny, Overcast, Rain)
Temperature = (Hot, Mild, Cool)
Humidity = (High, Normal)
Wind = (Weak, Strong)
PlayTennis = (No, Yes)

val schema = Schema(outlook, temperature, humidity, wind, tennis)
val dataset = Dataset(schema, tennis) // schema, target
dataset.addEntry(Entry(schema, sunny, hot, high, weak, no))
// ...
// Add other Entries
// ...
val decisionTree = dataset.buildTree()
val result = decisionTree.traverse("Sunny", "Mild", "High", "Strong")
// The typeof(result) is the same as the TargetAttribute.type

In general, you can have any number of Attribute's each with different types in the same Schema.

Genetic Algorithms (WIP)

Mainly used for String breeding algorithms and minimization functions.

Note: Future work will include multi-threaded breeders and speciation in a custom bioinformatics library.