# RNAlila 0.2 RNAlila is a C library for RNA energy landscapes, built on top of the library of the ViennaRNA Package (https://www.tbi.univie.ac.at/RNA). It provides library functions for investigative exploration of RNA landscape features such as the neighborhood of secondary structures or different types of walks, including adaptive, random and gradient walks starting from a specific structure. RNAlila is distributed with two executales: * RNAwalk performs adaptive, gradient or random walks starting from a secondary structure * RNArandstruc computes *randomly* distributed structures over the Boltzmann ensemble for a RNA sequence # DISCLAIMER AND LICENSE The programs, library and source code of RNAlila are free software. They are distributed in the hope that they will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Permission is granted for research, educational, and commercial use and modification so long as 1) the package and any derived works are not redistributed for any fee, other than media costs, 2) proper credit is given to the authors and the Institute for Theoretical Chemistry of the University of Vienna. If you want to include this software in a commercial product, please contact the authors. This is experimental software. **Hic sunt dracones**