PUCIT'25 | Software Engineer | MERN | Problem Solver | Open Source Contributer | Linux Automation | Blogger | Gamer
Pinned Repositories
Simple Console game without any using graphical library and functions .Students whose are learning 2D-Arrays concepts develop and amaze your friends
Task automator for programming lab tasks, creating files and storing answers with ease. Just you have to enter the lab questions it will automatically create folder and all files with solutions with in a minute.
This repository provides an in-depth look at C++ data structures and algorithms, with detailed explanations and examples for mastering the material. Suitable for beginners and experienced programmers.
During searching ,give suggestions on downward .Press Enter to search the new word
"Linux-Automation-Scripts" is a repository that contains bash scripts, documentation, and guidance for automating tasks in Linux. It's a great resource for Linux system administrators, developers, and anyone who wants to learn how to automate tasks using bash scripting in Linux
Modern concepts ,examples ,notes
A complete server side backend application made with node.js as runtime server enviornment for javascript and use express.js as a framework for node,js and handling middlewares for database used no-sql mongodb . Software Architecture used as MVC, with complete data modeling.
Comprehensive collection of React learning resources. Suitable for all skill levels, with practical examples and real-world application.
Bankist application in C++ by using dynamic arrays and classes concepts :Its main features are login system, user authentication ,create a new account , requesting loan , transfer money, sort your movements , currency converter , delete your account and log out system .
Step by step explain concepts deeply ,proper examples with tested portions, short notes in the form of slides , external material links and much more.
muhibarshad's Repositories
Bankist application in C++ by using dynamic arrays and classes concepts :Its main features are login system, user authentication ,create a new account , requesting loan , transfer money, sort your movements , currency converter , delete your account and log out system .
This repository provides an in-depth look at C++ data structures and algorithms, with detailed explanations and examples for mastering the material. Suitable for beginners and experienced programmers.
Modern concepts ,examples ,notes
Comprehensive collection of React learning resources. Suitable for all skill levels, with practical examples and real-world application.
Step by step explain concepts deeply ,proper examples with tested portions, short notes in the form of slides , external material links and much more.
Task automator for programming lab tasks, creating files and storing answers with ease. Just you have to enter the lab questions it will automatically create folder and all files with solutions with in a minute.
"Linux-Automation-Scripts" is a repository that contains bash scripts, documentation, and guidance for automating tasks in Linux. It's a great resource for Linux system administrators, developers, and anyone who wants to learn how to automate tasks using bash scripting in Linux
This repository has resources for learning Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. From RESTful APIs to integrations with third-party services, these projects and blogs provide a comprehensive overview of server-side JavaScript development. Suitable for beginners and experienced developers alike.
Welcome to Secret Messages App, a user-friendly MERN stack application that allows you to send and receive encrypted messages with full input validation, responsive UI, and easy navigation. Server side fully stores data in the backend, data is retrieved via a RESTful API ensuring data is secure and accessible to secret code entered users.
Tech Goldmine is a repository of valuable tech resources, tools, and techniques. Find information on web apps, software programs, and browser extensions, as well as guidance on how to use them. Check back often for updates and feel free to contribute your own ideas and suggestions.
TodoList App with Single LinkedList in CPP" is a command-line to-do list manager that utilizes a single linked list data structure and allows users to add, remove, and mark items as done using unique IDs, insert items at specific positions and display current list, also includes an exit option.
Luck change ho ga tu look change ho gi.
Bankist is a online banking app. Its main features are ,login with username and password , view and sort movements, Transfer money to another account , Request Loan from the bank ,delete their account . Made by HTML(5) CSS3 and Modern Javascript(ES6). Though the instructor provided the only some HTML and CSS but all the Javascript and features added by myself jsut watching the demo UI.
Blood Donor Management system in C++ .Using file handling .Add records,search,upadte,delete and other features
I have created this website for the c++ code sheets
What are pointers,pointers full explanation,dynamic memoery,heap and stack,how to allocate memory dynamically or deallocate,how to insert ,delete ,shrink ,increase the size of the array
A collection of all my projects, showcasing my skills and abilities as a developer.
A complete server side backend application made with node.js as runtime server enviornment for javascript and use express.js as a framework for node,js and handling middlewares for database used no-sql mongodb . Software Architecture used as MVC, with complete data modeling.
Simple Functions based game in custom header files
you can calculate the your GPA of first semister through this quickly
Simple Shopping cart made with frontend on typescript/react and for backend api used as
Topics Covering :" Dynamic Character Arrays ". Functionalities: Show total words and letters you write , , total time you consume , speed per minute ,an additional backSpace run-time deletion functionality
Discover Java GUI joy: click 'Yes' for celebration, watch 'No' button dance on interaction!
I made firstly simple python projects for begginers and then in advance you will find the latest ML projects
MERN App : Create your senseofhumor card and share it with others or into your social media profile abouts.