
Blood Donor Management system in C++ .Using file handling .Add records,search,upadte,delete and other features

Primary LanguageC++


Important Features:

1.You can add the all donor's record in run time in the bds_donor_file 2.You can search the specfic person record 3.You can search the record on the blood request 4.You can update the specfic person record after the successful blood donation 5.You can delete the record if a person get somme medical prolems 6.You can display all the records simultaneously

Amazing features

*Total records are always shown *If there is no record added and user want to use the any feature error message is dsiplayed to firstly add the minumum record *If user want to search any record that is not in the list error message is displayed

Some hiddden features that you may know on the use time