
mummerplot command shows '-t' for both 'title' and 'terminal'

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Dear developer,
Can you please clarify what is correct below (from 'mummerplot --help')

    -t|terminal     Set the output terminal to x11, postscript or png
                    --x11 --postscript --png (default 'x11')
    -t|title        Specify the gnuplot plot title (default none)

I guess that the terminal option should be instead one of --x11, --png, or --postscript without -t
Is this correct? (should be edited in the help text)

Commenting to also request clarification in the help text. I've been using -png to create my desired output, but I figured that out without help text.

I should have written 'maybe this could be more clear from the help text' for people like me who are less gifted.

Perhaps my comment wasn't clear. I wanted to support this issue because I also feel that the help text is lacking.

In that case my appologies, i indeed understood your comment in a less supportive sense.😅