
Incorporate cluster?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi. Love this package, it's been really nice to grab data straight into R for further use.

Would you consider making a wrapper for cluster too? Would be beneficial for tables etc.

Just a suggestion, keep up the good work!

I haven't been able to test it out very much yet, but 832e3b7 should have incorporated this.


I have an example in there, using an image as one to be thresholded, which may be inappropriate, but it should work as long as FSL and fslr installed:

if (have_fsl()) {
file = mni_fname(brain = TRUE, mask = FALSE)
threshold = 6000
clus = fsl_cluster(file, threshold)

Let me know if this works for you and I'd love some input for some examples with this!

As this example "works", I'm closing.

No need to re-open the ticket. I didnt get notified of this before, so sorry for not followin up. I have workshops all week, but I'll look at this over the weekend/next week, and let you know how I get on using it :)