
Problems about FSLr installation with FSL6.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 LST

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Hi all,

I have struggled with these problems several days.Hope you can help me.
When I use the function fsl_biascorrect,it failed and says:

fast    -B --nopve --out="/tmp/Rtmpq11Eub/file2cc6356910d4" "/tmp/Rtmpq11Eub/file2cc679823327.nii.gz";

fast: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
cannot remove file '/tmp/Rtmpq11Eub/file2cc6356910d4_seg.nii.gz', reason 'No such file or directory'cannot rename file '/tmp/Rtmpq11Eub/file2cc6356910d4_restore.nii.gz' to '/tmp/Rtmpq11Eub/file2cc6356910d4.nii.gz', reason 'No such file or directory'Error in oro.nifti::readNIfTI(..., reorient = reorient) : 
  File(s) not found!

So I googled a lot and come here,BUT there is something different between my situation and #issue10 posted on home page:
1.There is no folder called fsl under \user\lib in my enviroment.I just followed the instruction of the official website when I install FSL .
2. It seems that I didn't install FSL correctky.From the link:,I passed the first check installation echo $FSLDIR and returns /usr/local/fsl,BUT it failed on the second check flirt -version,it returns flirt: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory .HOWEVER,I can still open the GUI of FSL .I don't know what I am supposed to do.

I fixed this problem!!!Anyone who come across similar problems should do sudo apt-get install libopenblas-base in the terminal. After that,when you type flirt -version,it will return FLIRT version 6.0.And the function fsl_biascorrect will run correctly.This instruction is not included on the installation page of FSL for Linux.Hope more people can see that.