- 0
Bug: mux-player childList observer behavior
#1038 opened by IlyaRazuvaev - 0
Failed mux-player-react Firefox accessibility test
#1040 opened by karlodr - 4
Bug: Cast button hidden until tab refresh when switching between two players that have different themes
#942 opened by arghhhhh - 0
- 2
Bug: Black Line at the corner of the video on Safari
#1030 opened by aonglion - 3
Bug: hls.js regenerating after load
#1031 opened by endymion1818 - 3
Bug: mux-react-player/lazy "loop" attribute only works if string, not boolean (Next 15)
#1015 opened by arcataroger - 0
Question: mux-player without hls.js bundled?
#1024 opened by harshmandan - 1
Feature Request: Drag and drop support
#878 opened by ralfcarneborn - 3
- 0
- 0
- 5
- 0
Bug: Jump to end on seek within the last segment
#924 opened by keisans - 1
- 3
Bug: Strict TypeScript error with ESModules
#1008 opened by dylanjha - 0
Bug: default-hidden-captions not respected in Safari
#1019 opened by dylanjha - 1
Bug: video (but not audio) playback freezes and seeking to middle of video and then rewinding back a little
#940 opened by pbv-public - 2
Bug: Mux player getting 403 only in production
#925 opened by alexandrelipp - 5
Bug: mux-video with hls: Error: Media element src was set while attaching MediaSource when adding tracks
#933 opened by endymion1818 - 0
[mux-player] Mux src without .m3u8 errors
#938 opened by luwes - 6
Bug: Pipeline Error: External Renderer Failed
#919 opened by geekguy - 1
Bug: hls.js workerPath for webpack V5
#920 opened by scmilee - 2
- 4
- 2
- 1
Bug: On iOS Safari, mux-video-react triggers "Reached maximum..." and "Fetch API cannot..." errors when unmounting
#876 opened by sabrichu - 2
- 1
Bug: Cannot disable play / pause on spacebar press
#879 opened by donalffons - 0
add warning event for non-fatal errors
#1012 opened by luwes - 0
Bug: changing playback ID results in old storyboard still loaded for timeline hover preivew
#936 opened by dylanjha - 0
- 1
🦟 Bug: Pass custom events to data integration
#950 opened by endymion1818 - 2
- 1
- 3
- 9
Bug: Component crashes since 2.5 update
#908 opened by KubaniGal - 0
Bug: Mismatch between docs, TS types, and behavior for cuepoints and chapters
#947 opened by decepulis - 0
Bug: Mux uploader progress bar
#974 opened by PopaMirceaStefan - 0
Indexsizeerror on seekable.start ?
#967 opened by luwes - 0
duplicate `<track>` elements
#944 opened by luwes - 0
- 3
- 0
Upgrade hls.js to latest patch version v1.5.10
#927 opened by xta - 2
Bug: Encrypted event missing event properties
#914 opened by jakubslambor - 6
Bug: All instanses of mux-video loaded if preload=none
#875 opened by quard8 - 2
Bug: `mux-uploader-retry` not shown on upload error + retry not reseting `mux-uploader-progress`
#874 opened by theazgra - 2
Bug: `@mux/mux-video-react` has type-error with latest version of `@types/react`
#893 opened by ryami333 - 5
Feature Request: change values of seek forward/backward with leftarrow or rightarrow
#881 opened by hoangbits - 2
Feature Request: onCaptionsToggled
#880 opened by scmilee