
Possibility to repeat checking continuously

metalolf opened this issue · 2 comments

To my shame, I have to admit, that I have to work here in a bad configured network.
Even iv the proxy setting are configured with ProxySwitcher or manually, the settings will be reset due to bad configured group policies every few minutes :(

To compile a work-around, I would like to have some information:

  1. Question: what is the frequency ProxySwitcher is checking its defined triggers?
  2. Question: is there a way to continuously repeat (eg. every 5 minutes) the re-checking of ProxySwitcher likewise the manual application which is possible already

Kind Regards,

It is checking the network on a network change event sent from Windows.
However, you can trigger re-detect with a command line arg:
ProxySwitcher.exe /redetect
ProxySwitcher must be running already. A call with this argument triggers the running instance to redetect the network config.
