- 0
- 3
Error installing the package
#28 opened by diogoprov - 0
fitContinuous with SE
#24 opened by antropoteuthis - 4
testting summary stats
#6 opened by richfitz - 0
- 3
Delta transform disagrees with geiger
#10 opened by richfitz - 7
- 0
ordering of data
#18 opened by mwpennell - 0
Build is failing
#22 opened by richfitz - 1
- 4
Broken links within package help files
#16 opened by wcornwell - 1
Use of diversitree::: calls in pkg
#19 opened by mwpennell - 1
Roxygen in DESCRIPTION file
#20 opened by mwpennell - 0
plot.arbutus x axes
#17 opened by wcornwell - 1
plot.arbutus legends
#15 opened by mwpennell - 1
diversitree unit tree tests fail
#14 opened by mwpennell - 0
write pkg REAMDE
#1 opened by mwpennell - 0
grid and gridExtra
#13 opened by richfitz - 1
Multi-optimum OU models
#3 opened by richfitz - 1
Models with shift points along branches
#4 opened by richfitz - 3
Unit tree with arbitrary parameters
#7 opened by richfitz - 0
- 3
- 2
Write model.phylo.trend()
#11 opened by richfitz - 2
two versions of OU in phylolm
#12 opened by richfitz - 3
Build is broken
#2 opened by richfitz