- 0
Have shells move when jumped on
#119 opened by Learningtotry - 2
Requirements trouble
#105 opened by bullbesh - 0
Make a simple level editor
#108 opened by kernel86-64 - 4
- 0
- 2
- 0
Koopa speed is not reset after kicking it
#99 opened by CoolCat467 - 1
- 0
CoinBrick doesn't move up when activated
#89 opened by deltea - 1
Add a game ending
#73 opened by deltea - 1
- 2
Koopas not rendering with transparent background
#84 opened by mitruly - 0
Animated coins render with solid white background
#82 opened by mitruly - 1
Create more items to collect on mystery box
#74 opened by deltea - 1
Add new Enemies or Blocks
#69 opened by mx0c - 3
Error when two Koopa shells collide
#71 opened by deltea - 0
Add more levels
#79 opened by deltea - 5
Add Sound when koopa shell kills other enemies
#68 opened by mx0c - 0
Soundtrack music plays once
#77 opened by mitruly - 1
Add restart option when paused
#70 opened by deltea - 6
Koopa shell only kills Mario
#62 opened by deltea - 0
Coin has white border
#59 opened by deltea - 4
Is this repo dead?
#55 opened by purry03 - 0
Implementing a finite state machine
#47 opened by mx0c - 1
Esc key returns to main screen
#34 opened by pntbttrvbs - 3
- 1
truncate FPS to integer
#41 opened by Sandeep-Ghimire - 9
Rework marios jump and left right movement
#30 opened by mx0c - 7
- 0
Coins are getting displayed as randomBlocks
#33 opened by mx0c - 1
Double Jump Bug.
#27 opened by C05CDA - 2
Make Marios Jump feel more like in Mario Bros
#16 opened by mx0c - 2
further improve readablity/performance
#24 opened by mx0c - 0
Syntax error in
#25 opened by reece-bennett - 0
Add windows standalone build
#18 opened by mx0c - 0
Fix CollissionDetection
#5 opened by mx0c - 0
Draw Mario Transparent
#1 opened by mx0c