
A demo of the Geometry Clipmap algorithm in C++ using OpenGL.

Primary LanguageC++

Ollie Nicholls - Terrain Representation using Geometry Clipmaps

About the Project

With GPU processing becoming more and more advanced each year, hundreds of algorithms that try to tackle the complex task of 3D-model representation have been created. These algorithms, often referred to as level-of-detail (LOD) systems, have been created to try to tackle displaying terrains in the most efficient way.

My project implements one of these LOD algorithms, namely the Geometry Clipmap Algorithm, and uses computer graphics techniques from this and the other papers mentioned in my report and at the bottom of this page.

Having a suitable and efficient LOD algorithm in place, paves the way for terrain modification and random generation on a massive scale, which this project could be used for in the future.

Grand Canyon (K = 9) Grand Canyon (K = 9, wireframe)
grand_canyon_example grand_canyon_example_wireframe
Grand Canyon (K = 5) Grand Canyon (K = 5, wireframe)
grand_canyon_example grand_canyon_example_wireframe



See the NGL Pre-requisites and Building chapters.

At a high level, install vcpkg, and run the following commands:

.\vcpkg install gtest:x64-windows
.\vcpkg install glm:x64-windows
.\vcpkg install glfw3:x64-windows
.\vcpkg install openimageio:x64-windows
.\vcpkg install rapidjson:x64-windows
.\vcpkg install rapidxml:x64-windows
.\vcpkg install fmt:x64-windows
.\vcpkg install pybind11:x64-windows
.\vcpkg install freetype:x64-windows
.\vcpkg install ilmbase:x64-windows
.\vcpkg install openexr:x64-windows

then install NGL as shown in the above link.


  • Clone this repo
  • cd ase-cgitech-Olluo
  • Create a build directory (mkdir build)
  • cd build
  • Run cmake .., this will build the project files
  • Run cmake --build ., this will build the project


Once built using the instructions above

  • cd Debug
  • Run ./GeoClipmapDemo.exe <heightmap_image_file>

This will then display the heightmap at <heightmap_image_file> using the GeoClipmap algorithm.

There are 4 heightmaps included (inside the img/tests directory):

  • ben_nevis.png - 10x10km from Ben Nevis to Fort William
  • cheddar.png - 10x10km area centred around Cheddar Reservoir (where I went to school)
  • grand_canyon.png - 10x10km area centred around the Grand Canyon Village
  • poole_harbour.png - 10x10km area of Poole Harbour near Bournemouth
ben_nevis.png cheddar.png grand_canyon.png poole_harbour.png
ben_nevis cheddar grand_canyon poole_harbour


To display the settings press the 'h' key and the following settings will be displayed in the top left:

===== CONTROLS =====
= 'arrow keys' - move terrain (always follows world axes)
= '[' - reduce LOD, ']' - increase LOD (K)
= '-' - reduce clipmap count, '=' - increase clipmap count (L)
= '9' - reduce clipmap range, '0' - increase clipmap range (R)
= 'LMB' - orbit camera, 'MMB' - pedestal camera (up/down), 'RMB' - dolly camera (in/out)
= 'spacebar' - reset camera
= 'F11' - toggle fullscreen
= 'Esc' - quit
= 'w' - toggle wireframe
= 'h' - to hide these controls

The current GeoClipmap settings are always displayed in the top left, an example configuration is as follows:

Current values: K=8, L=10, R=4

which can be translated to:

  • The current resolution of all clipmap levels (LOD) is set to 8 meaning that each clipmap level is sized (2^8) - 1 in width and height
  • The current number of clipmap levels generate from finest to coarsest is 10 levels
  • The number of levels to display at a time is 4 levels (as only the required active levels need to be shown)

Technical Design

See section 3 of the report for a high-level description of the project specification and plan.

This project was originally going to include terrain modification and creation but this was too much work for the time frame. Therefore, only the representation of terrain has been tackled which was the main goal of the project.

How the algorithm works

At a high level, here is how the algorithm works - taken from my report.

GeoClipmap Footprints

In geometry clipmaps, the X-Z coordinates are represented by a few vertices and indices, with terrain data being cached in a set of nested grids centred around the viewer.

Each grid is stored as a constant vertex buffer made up of four different “footprints” in video memory, whilst the height data is stored as a texture buffer to be read in the vertex shader.

The terrain is filtered into a power-of-two mipmap pyramid, with the mipmap being rendered at each pixel being a function of screen-space and parametric derivatives based on the view parameters, not the actual content of the image.

The texture clipmap is then updated in fast incremental stages allowing massive landscapes to be traversed with no drop in frames. The LOD level for each clipmap is selected based on the viewer height. This makes every triangle the same amount of pixels on screen, as each clipmap is just the finest clipmap but at power-of-two scales.

Geoclipmaps have several advantages over other LOD methods. These advantages include them being moderately simple to implement, having an optimal rendering throughput, retaining visual continuity across clipmaps, and providing complexity throttling that prevents GPU throttling. This works by rendering from the coarsest detail to finest, dropping the finest level if the viewer has moved before rendering.

Main Components

The system is split into two main parts; the algorithm and associated parts that compiles into geoclipmap.lib and the computation for displaying the scene. I will only highlight the main components in the library.


This class handles the storing and management of the main variables in the GeoClipmap algorithm. It is a singleton class and can be used to get a certain parameter when needed in a calculation. The list of parameters are as follows:

Parameter Description
K The level of detail
D The equivalent of 2^K
N The grid size for each clipmap level
M The equivalent of D / 4 and the width of the footprints
D2 The equivalent of D / 2
H How much to move from the clipmap level edge to find the centre point
L The number of clipmap levels
R The number of clipmap levels to show from finest to coarsest

These parameters can be adjusted using the keybindings stated in Settings.


The main GeoClipmap class that manages all the subcomponents and creates the whole clipmap. This is the class that is made in the main NGLScene.cpp.

It is constructed from a Heightmap.

Firstly, it generates all the footprint types required (as seen in the table below) using the current settings from the manager to get the M values that are used for the widths of each of the footprints. It makes one block footprint, a horizontal and vertical fixup footprint, a horizontal and vertical trim footprint, and an outer degenerate ring footprint, and then these are stored in a map to be used by all clipmap levels when drawing.

Footprints Locations

Next it generates all the possible locations for these footprints. There are 25 different locations and as each clipmap is positioned in local space based on the bottom left corner being at (0, 0) and each footprint has a set size, the positions of each can be calculated easily (as seen in the Footprint Location Calculations image). These are all added to a vector in a specific order so that subsets can be used depending on the configuration of each clipmap (for example, the finest clipmap needs all footprints as it doesn't have an interior clipmap, whereas a clipmap whose position means that the trim should be top and left will not need the interior blocks or bottom and right trims).

Next, all the clipmap levels are constructed in coarse-to-fine order as each finer level needs a reference to its parent.

Finally, the position of the terrain is updated, which in turn signals all the clipmap levels to update position (in fine-to-coarse order), then to generate their texture based on their location (in coarse-to-fine order). The algorithm to choose the positions for each clipmap level works as follows:

  1. Set initial variables for the clipmap offset, previous position, and offset of each clipmap
  2. Starting with the finest clipmap and looping to the coarsest
    1. Get integer values of the terrain position
    2. If this clipmap is the active finest then set its trim location to display all footprints
    3. Otherwise, using the position and scale, perform a logical and to determine the position of the clipmap (as the scales are all powers of 2, the bit of the scale can be used with the position to determine where this level should be. e.g. scale = 4 == 0100, xPos = 5 == 0101, xPos & scale = 0100 > 0 therefore clipmap on the left).
    4. Set the position of the clipmap level
    5. Divide the position by 2 (as each clipmap is double scale of the previous) and set previous position to this value
  3. Finally, loop from coarse-to-fine generating the textures for each clipmap

Whilst it seems complicated, this algorithm is quite logical and reading through the code should help to understand it slightly better.


A class that stores a heightmap image (like the ones mentioned in Usage) and can be queried by the clipmap levels to generate their textures.

This simply takes a list of pixel values (colours represented as Vec3s) and stores it in a std::vector. This data is then accessed in the colour(x, y) and value(x, y) methods and returns the data in the vector at the index of y * heightmap.width + x.


Represents one level of the GeoClipmap and has a scale and position based on where the viewer is in the world.

Each clipmap level has an associated texture buffer that stores a texture using GL_RG32F which is a 2D vector of float values which is used as the height for each vertex of the clipmap. The texture is populated by getting the clipmap levels position, and using this along with its scale to get pixel data from the heightmap, based on the heightmaps position.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get a part of the algorithm working here. There is supposed to be a blend region between clipmap levels to hide any t-junctions in the mesh. This worked by each texture having information about the parent clipmaps texture, and then at the edges of the clipmap, it would linearly blend between the two levels.

I have implemented the code (but commented it out) to get an averaged height of the parent texture (as there isn't a one-to-one position for all coordinates) and it works by calculating if each pixel is positioned at odd or even, x or y, and then uses this to average the even values around this point from the parent clipmap.

I took a slightly different approach to the original algorithm here and used a 2D-vector for each texture value with R being the fine data and G being the coarse data however the coarse data is never used due to the issue mentioned.


Represents one of the four different footprints in the algorithm:

Footprint Dimension Use
Block M by M 12 used as the main building blocks of the clipmap level
Fixup M by 3 4 used between the blocks to space them correctly
Interior Trim (2M + 1) by 2 2 used on most level, 4 on finest level to space finer level correctly
Outer Degenerate Ring (4M - 1) by (4M - 1) 1 per level, serves as the outer border

The vertices are calculated by simply looping along from 0 to the width, and 0 to the depth and assigning a value based on the loop value. Notice, all vertices start at (0, 0) for all footprints and should then be drawn on top of each other, however, this isn't the case as the vertices are moved in the vertex shader.

For the outer degenerate ring, the vertices don't include values in the centre of the square as it is only a ring of degenerate triangles (triangles with no area).

The indices are calculated taking into account triangle strips. This loops through each row of vertices, and vertices in the next row to make the triangle strips. The OpenGL instruction GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_FIXED_INDEX is used to reset the triangle strips at the end of each row by adding an index with a value of std::numeric_limits<GLuint>::max() which is the max value a GLuint can have.

With the outer degenerate ring, instead the strips aren't restarted and vertices are used multiple times to create degenerate triangles around the whole ring.

Each footprint has an associated FootprintVAO that it can use to bind data and draw.

Terrain Vertex Shader

This shader is where the height data is fetched from the texture and used with the vertex buffer to position each vertex.

It works by taking the vertex, the footprint position in the clipmap, the offset of the clipmap, sums these all together, and multiplies it by the scale of the clipmap to get the (x, y) coordinates of the vertex. The z part of the vertex (note here, x & y are used as the horizontal coordinates, and z is the vertical coordinate as the whole terrain is rotated to be correct when displayed) is retrieved from the texture buffer using just the in-vertex and the footprint location to get the correct texture point.

Here is where the height blending of the outer regions of each clipmap would be but unfortunately I couldn't get it working. The basic premise is that an alpha value used to blend between the fine clipmap and the coarse parent clipmap would be used. This value's calculation is a formula that will return 0 except when in the outer 10th of the clipmap.

The colour for each vertex is only in green and is a percentage of the highest point in the clipmap. I could have done some nice normal colouring and shadows etc. in the fragment shader but this was only meant to show off the algorithm and therefore I felt it was unnecessary to spend time on it.

High-level System Diagram

Based on the main components above, here is a high-level overview of the system:

System Diagram

References and Acknowledgements

Here is a list of other references and acknowledgements not mentioned in my report that were used during the development of this project.

Existing Tools

  • Terragen - a powerful solution for building, rendering, and animating realistic natural environments.
  • Daylon Leveller - combines intuitive pixel sculpting with the accuracy of geo-referencing and vector shapes.
  • Height Map Editor - 2D program for creating, manipulating, and viewing height maps.
  • Advanced Landscape Editor - Create large scale landscapes and edit textures with direct painting.
  • Kashmir 3D - Old tool for making 3D landscapes
  • L3DT - a Windows application for generating terrain maps and textures. It is intended to help game developers and digital artists create vast high-quality 3D worlds.
  • EarthSculptor - a realtime terrain height-map editor and paint program featuring an easy to use interface designed exclusively for rapid development of 3D landscapes for visualization, multimedia and game development.
  • TerraNoise - Node based terrain editor.


Concepts and Papers