- 0
Upgrade to 0.43
#56 opened by gbp - 5
[ERROR] request#show (ActionView::Template::Error) "undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass"
#55 opened by garethrees - 4
[ERROR] help#unhappy (NoMethodError) "undefined method `show_response_no_followup_path'
#53 opened by garethrees - 0
New logo and banner for InfoLib
#51 opened by Gemmamysoc - 0
Investigate adding google plus to list of social media sites you can share with
#5 opened by JenMysoc - 1
- 0
[ERROR] help#unhappy (NoMethodError) "undefined method `show_response_no_followup_path' for #<#<Class:0...
#50 opened by garethrees - 0
Needs logo@2.png
#49 opened by lizconlan - 1
Upgrade to Alaveteli 0.25
#47 opened by lizconlan - 1
Upgrade site to release 0.23 of Alaveteli
#41 opened by crowbot - 2
Front-page looks clunky on tablets
#45 opened by JenMysoc - 1
Write Liberia-specific help page content
#29 opened by garethrees - 4
Move social media icons
#25 opened by garethrees - 10
Update header branding
#23 opened by JenMysoc - 1
Standardise size of partner logos
#34 opened by JenMysoc - 1 goes nowhere
#32 opened by JenMysoc - 4
Email issue with emails going to wrong place
#33 opened by JenMysoc - 6
Move help menu item
#21 opened by crowbot - 7
Add new pages to the site
#16 opened by JenMysoc - 1
Add social media links to the site
#24 opened by JenMysoc - 4
Google Analytics code
#17 opened by garethrees - 1
Edits to site as requested by Carter
#18 opened by Gemmamysoc - 4
Add in site logo
#10 opened by JenMysoc - 13
For trial period (Aug10 to Sept 30) restrict authorities you can request to on site
#15 opened by JenMysoc - 1
Delete test authority and all emails
#12 opened by JenMysoc - 5
Remove trial requests from website
#14 opened by JenMysoc - 4
- 1
Change name of site to InfoLib
#8 opened by JenMysoc - 9
Change header image to Liberian Flag
#4 opened by JenMysoc - 5
Change site domain name to
#3 opened by JenMysoc - 1
Change response time from 3 days to 30 days
#2 opened by JenMysoc - 1
Change email
#1 opened by garethrees