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Head to OpenSkyApp for exact translator information.
Simple Scrobbler (SS) is a simple app that scrobbles music listened to on an Android phone. Scrobbling means submitting listening information to (and optionally/additionally and ListenBrainz) when you play a track, and you can then get music recommendations and view you listening history and statistics at
Before the release of a new version of SLS, it will be available here to test for one week in GitHub Releases.
- More info about scrobbling can be found on's FAQ.
- More info about scrobbling from the community can be found on
- More info about scrobbling from's Project Page.
- More info about listens from ListenBrainz's FAQ.
Please create a GitHub Account so you can create a GitHub Issue and PLEASE use the next sections as guides. You will get help with bugs and problems with the software. For direct personal contact with developers, please use Gitter or Discord.
- SLS Version (required): (1.5.8)
- Issue (required): (Brief description of your bug or issue)
- Parameters (required):
- What: {App Crashing, Scrobble Failure, or (you tell us)}
- Where: {App Screen, Notifications, Hidden or (you tell us)}
- When: {ex. "I clicked Scrobble Now", "I don't know", or (you tell us)}
- Why: {ex. "Because I clicked Scrobble Now.", "I don't know.", or (you tell us)}
- How: {ex. "Automatic", "Manual Button Click", "I don't know.", or (you tell us)}
- Android Version (preferred): (9)
- Music App(s) (preferred): (ex. Google Play Music, Spotify)
- Detected Music Apps(s) (preferred): (List what apps SLS detected)
- Enabled Settings (preferred): (List what options you have enabled)
- Phone Model (optional): (Samsung S10)
- Request for Feature (required): (control over scrobbled data)
- Reason (required): (Scrobble is love, scrobble is life.)
Note. SLS should work on any device that can install it, and that can run one of the music apps above.
- SLS is maintained by a few dedicated programmers.
- Contributors are welcome!
- Revisions will be requested if the changes are not working.
- Please let us know if you have added strings that need translation in Pull Requests.
- Please let us know if you have added strings that have not been made into string variables in Pull Requests.
- Somebody will make the necessary changes for you if you do not have the time.
- Head to Transifex if you want to be a translator.
- Create an issue when you are done translating or create a pull request. Whatever you are comfortable with.
- Repeat Song For Some Music Apps
- Language support is lagging behind for some features that have been added recently.
- Enforce (maybe hack) the scrobbling rules for each service using error codes correctly by API. (ex scrobble too new/old)
- Simpler Love Track Similar Issue
- Enable/Disable Individual Music App Scrobbles Similar Issue
- Blocking Podcast Scrobbles
- Read Notifications to Scrobble Music Also
- Use Android audio focus detection to manage scrobbling.
- Slow overhaul of the app to keep simplicity and allow for dynamic feature/functionality addition.
- Replace legacy user/pass with OAuth dance
- Possibly style intents and notifications similar to
- True Material Design Upgrade
- Better Unit Tests
- Notification Level
- Unsecured http:// support for custom servers
- ListenBrainz API for Total Listen Count
- Word blacklist for blocking things like podcasts or tracks on mixed media apps. "Intelligent noise filter"
- Multiple Account Login
- Sequential storage of all tracks, scrobbled, skipped, hearted, and failed with explanations
- markers in scrobble cache for logged in accounts
- Store scrobbles before user is logged in
- Manual scrobbling, for example Vinyl Records, CD, Cassette and other older media machines.
- Import database
- Keep more variables in the database including past scrobbles, old scrobbles and statistics
- .. essentially better internal data management
- Scrobbling
- Now playing notifications
- Power-saving settings
- Caching scrobbles (while offline or through settings)
- Editing scrobble cache
- Auto-correct scrobbles
- Enable/Disable Music Apps
- Themes
- More
Head to OpenSkyApp for exact translator information.
- English
- Spanish
- French
- German
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Polish
- Russian
- Czech
For a complete list of changes, see the changelog.
First, read the FAQ to see if you can find any help with your issue.
If you can't find it there, you can always open an issue or pull request here on GitHub.
All of the code is open source, released under Apache License 2.0.
- Almost all of the code is written by me, so: Copyright 2009-2015 Adam Renberg.
- The logo is copyright of, taken from their media kit.
- The logo is probably copyright of, used in good faith. (Because of their name and stated mission, I assume it is okay).
I use copyright here only in the sense of proper attribution. Do whatever you want with the code (as long as the licenses are followed).
A complete and updated list here -> CONTRIBUTORS LIST
- Adam Renberg,, main author
- Argoday,, code fixes
- inverse, core contributor
- Austin H,, core contributor
- Sean O'Neil,, android 4.0
- Andrew Thomson, support for MIUI Music Player
- Mark Gillespie, support for Sony/Sony Ericsson/Xperia phones
- Dmitry Kostjuchenko, support for Neutron Music Player
- stermi, support for Rdio
- Joseph Cooper,, support for JRTStudio Android Music Player
- Shahar,, support for LG Music Player
- theli-ua,, support for Amazon Music
- metanota,, support for PlayerPro, bug fixes
- Joel Teichroeb,, bug fixes
- Tha PHLASH,, old icon
- pierreduchemin, French translation
- moshpirit, Spanish translation
- bryansills, Eclipse to Android Studio, new icon, Material Design
- herrherrmann, German translation
- Alia5, better Enabled apps handle
- MendelGusmao, Brazil Portuguese Translation
- Grzes58, Polish
- bajituka, Russian
- Dmitry Paskal,
- Iļja Gubins,
Several people have also contributed with comments, suggestions and issues.