
Libraries for interfacing PIC16F887 with several modules (DHT11, MAX7219, PCF8574).

Primary LanguageC

PIC Libraries

Libraries for interfacing PIC16F887 with several peripherals. Most of them were programmed for specific projects of high school students and I thought of sharing them as they might be useful as a basic start in hobbyist projects.


  • DHT11
    • Basic ultra low-cost temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a one-wire protocol and this driver's implementation contemplates the use of down to 4MHz crystal as clock source.
  • DS1307
    • Serial real-time clock, full binary-coded decimal (BCD) clock/calendar plus 56 bytes of NV SRAM.
  • MAX7219
    • Serial input/output common-cathode display drivers. Implements functions for drawing in an 8x8 led matrix.
  • MSSP
    • Driver for configuration and usage of the "Master Synchronous Serial Port" module for PIC16F887.
  • LCD through I2C
    • Functions to configure and control an LCD connected to an IO expander (PCF8574).


The compiler used was XC8 v1.45 in MPLABX IDE.

Copy the necessary *.c and *.h files in your projects directory and include the header files.

#include "dht11.h"

void main(void) {
    float hum, temp;

    while(1) {
        dht11_read(&hum, &temp);

Be sure to check the header file of each device to correctly select the GPIOs according to your board.

#define PIN_DHT11   PORTBbits.RB4
#define TRIS_DHT11  TRISBbits.TRISB4