
My emacs config

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Emacs Configuration

This is my emacs configuration which I use both on my work laptop (running OS X) as well as personal laptop (running Ubuntu).

Installing Emacs

I am currently using this config on MacOS. Until a few years ago, I was using it on linux too, but the current config is not tested on linux for a while.

On MacOS I install emacs using the emacs-plus homebrew formula.

To install follow the instructions in the README of the above git repo. For quick reference, you just need to run,

    brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus
    brew install emacs-plug@29

    # Create a link in Applications folder
    osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to make alias file to posix file "/usr/local/opt/emacs-plus@29/Emacs.app" at POSIX file "/Applications"'

Organization of code & config

  • ~/.emacs.d/init.el file just loads the init.el file inside this repo and does nothing else. So no symlinking and such other things. I am managing ~/.emacs.d/init.el and ~/.emacs.d/early-init.el as dotfiles using stow. You can find them in my dotfiles repo on github.

  • Customize is set to write to a separate custom.el file and not init.el itself.

  • The new method for package management is via use-package.

  • Single file 3rd party modes not found in popular and reliable package repositories are added to lib dir.

  • Functions and modes written by me are added to naiquevin dir. (Note: sphinx-doc.el file in this dir is a symlink since it's convenient for me to actively work on it as the author of that mode. If you get an error related to this, just install it separately from MELPA).

  • All files inside the config directory contain language/mode wise configuration and are loaded by load-dirs.el using the after-init-hook

  • Themes are added to themes.

  • The repo also provides some scripts which can be found under bin directory. These may have to be copied to relevant locations. Separate sections in this Setup document will cover it.

  • The naiquevin dir contains utils and snippets written by me.

  • The priv dir is empty but is meant for adding any files that we don't want to track in git. For eg. snippets relevant to my employer that I use at work.

  • The vendor dir contains third party open source libs that may have to be cloned and included manually for whatever reason eg. package not being published in any of the package repositories. An example of this is the solarized theme for emacs by Greg Pfeil.

System wide dependencies

It's assumed that you have virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper and leiningen installed on the system.

Apart from these, following dependencies are required to be installed:

  • flake8 (flycheck): sudo pip install flake8

  • Cider's own nREPL middleware (as required by the latest Cider release). The easiest way to set it up is to add it as a leiningen plugin either in your project's project.clj file or in the :user profile in ~/.lein/profiles.clj. See also.

  • clj-kondo is required for flycheck to work in Clojure buffers

  • pgformatter is required for formatting sql files

  • ripgrep is required for search functionality in projectile mode

  • rust-analyzer is required for rust development. Install using homebrew brew install rust-analyzer

A lot of code has been borrowed from init files of various people on github and around the internets. All mistakes are most likely my own.