
Design of 4KB(1024*32) SRAM with operating voltage 1.8v and access time < 2.5ns

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project focuses on design of 1024x32(4KB) SRAM memory with operating voltage of 1.8v and access time of less than 2.5ns using opensource Google-skywater(sky130) pdk technology and compiled using opensource compiler openRAM.The circuits(custom cells) which are required as input to openRAM are designed and simluated using opensource tools.

Table of Contents

Opensource Tools used:

  1. Ngspice : Ngspice is an opensource spice simulator for electric and electronic circuits.For more info regarding ngspice installation and tutorial follow http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/ngspice-tutorial.html .

  2. xschem : An opensource source tool for drawing schematics.It allows hierarchical representation of circuits.For installation and configurin with sky130 follow : https://github.com/bluecmd/learn-sky130/blob/main/schematic/xschem/getting-started.md#installation-of-sky130-primitives-and-symbols .

  3. Magic: Magic is an opensource VLSI circuit layout design tool.For more information follow: http://opencircuitdesign.com/magic/ .

NOTE: Any other schematic drawing tool can be used in place of xschem. Here installation of xschem is not required for running this project on your machine.

Installing and Cloning Instructions

Please follow below instructions :(For Ubuntu users)

1. Open terminal
2. Type below command to install git and clone repository:
$  sudo apt install git
$  git clone https://github.com/Deepak42074/vsdsram_sky130.git
$  cd vsdsram_sky130
$  chmod +777 install_and_clone.sh
$  ./install_and_clone.sh

Note: Running script install_and_clone.sh will install ngspice tool and clone to required Google-skywater(sky130) PDK.

3. Simulation of Basic CMOS inverter: Basic check for installation
$    cd vsdsram_sky130/Ngspice_Netlist/Prelayout/ 
$    ngspice inv.spice 

SRAM Memory Architecture

Inputs to OpenRAM compiler

Below images the show the inputs required to openRAM compiler:

Custom cells required:

  • SRAM bit cell
  • Write Driver
  • Sense Ampilfier
  • Tristate Buffer
  • D-flip flop

Prelayout Schematic and Simulation waveforms

The Schematics are drawn using opensource xschem tool and simulation is performed using Ngspice,both are configured with sky130 library.

1. 6T_SRAM cell

The standard 1-bit 6T - SRAM cell consists of 6 transistors. It has pair of cross-coupled CMOS inverters and two NMOS access transistors(M5, M6). The NMOS transistors (M2, M4) and PMOS transistors(M1,M3) are driver and pull up transistors respectively.

Circuit Diagram :

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Prelayout directory
$  ngspice 6T_sram_cell.spice 

2. Precharge circuit

Circuit Diagram :

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Prelayout directory
$  ngspice Prechargecell.spice 

3. Differential Sense Amplifier

Circuit Diagram :

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Prelayout directory
$  ngspice Differential_sense_amplifier.spice 

4. Write Driver Circuit

Circuit Diagram :

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Prelayout directory
$  ngspice writedriver.spice 

5. Tristate Buffer

Circuit Diagram :

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Prelayout directory
$  ngspice Tristate_buffer.spice 

6. Positive Edge Triggered D flip flop

Circuit Diagram :

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Prelayout directory
$  ngspice Dff.spice

7. 1bit_sram_read

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Prelayout directory
$  ngspice 1bit_sram_read.spice

8. 1bit_sram_write

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Prelayout directory
$  ngspice 1bit_write_read.spice

Stability Analysis of 6T-SRAM cell

The stability analysis of 6T- SRAm cell can be defined by butterfly curve and Ncurve methods.

Static Noise Margin Calculation of 6T sram cell using Butterfly method:

SNM is defined as minimum DC noise voltage needed to flip the cell state .It shows the stability of sram cell,used to measure the robustness of a cell which shows how well it can hold its data. To find SNM we draw inverter charactersitics and its mirror characteristics. The resulting two lobe curves is called "Butterfly curve". The SNM is defined as the length of side of largest square that can be drawn inside the lobes of butterfly curve.

1. Hold SNM

The ability of SRAM cell to retain the stored data in absence of word line is defined as hold stability and is calculated as Hold SNM.

Circuit Diagram :

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Prelayout directory
$  ngspice Holdsnm.spice

On drawing the square of largest size in the two lobes we get : Hold SNM = min(SNMH,SNML)= 0.71V

2. Read SNM

Read SNM is used to measure read ability which is the ability to prevent the sram cell to flip the stored value while reading the stored value.

Circuit Diagram :

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Prelayout directory
$  ngspice Readsnm.spice

On drawing the square of largest size between two curves we get: Read SNM = min(SNMH,SNML) 0.42V

3. Write SNM

The minimum voltage required to feed new value into the sram cell is known as write margin.

Circuit Diagram :

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Prelayout directory
$  ngspice writesnm.spice

On drawing the square of largest size between two curves we get : Write SNM = 0.72V

Stability Analysis by Ncurve method:

Butterfly curve has some drawbacks like different analysis is required for write and read SNM ,do not provide any information regarding current flow in the cell. All these drawbacks are overcome by Ncurve method. Ncurve provides read and write stabilities in single plot.

Circuit Diagram

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Prelayout directory
$  ngspice Ncurve.spice

The four parameters A,B,C,D on above plot of Ncurve define the stability of 6T-SRAM cell.

  1. Static Voltage Noise Margin(SVNM) : It is the maximum DC voltage at the node Q before its state flips.It is the volatge difference between point A and C.

    SVNM = V(C) - V(A) = 0.84 - 0.18 = 0.66V

  2. Static Current Noise Margin (SINM) : It is the peak current between first two crossing and it is the maximum tolerable DC current that can be injected into the SRAM cell before it flips.

    SINM = I(B) = ~299 uA

  3. Write Trip Voltage(WTV) : It is the voltage required before changing the contents of the internal node.It is the voltage difference between netween point C and E.

    WTV = V(E) - V(C) = 1.8 - 0.84 = 0.97

  4. Write Trip Current(WTI) : It is the negative current which is needed to write the cell.

    WTI = I(D) = ~(-48 uA)

In Ncurve point A and E are stable points and point C is metastable point.

Layouts and Postlayout Simulation waveforms

The layouts are drawn using magic tool and sky130A.tech file ,simulation is performed using Ngspice.

1. 6T_SRAM cell

Layout :

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Prelayout directory
$  ngspice 6T_sram_cell.spice 

2. Differential Sense Amplifier

Layout :

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Prelayout directory
$  ngspice Differential_sense_amplifier.spice 

3. Write Driver Circuit

Layout :

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Prelayout directory
$  ngspice writedriver.spice 

4. Tristate Buffer

Layout :

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Postlayout directory
$  ngspice Tristate_buffer.spice 

5. Positive Edge Triggered D flip flop

Layout :

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Postlayout directory
$  ngspice Dff.spice

6. 1bit_sram:

This consists of 1 bit SRAM integrated with precharge circuit ,sense amplifier and write driver circuitary to perform read and write operation.

1bit_sram_read :

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Postlayout directory
$  ngspice 1bit_sram_read.spice

1bit_sram_write :

Simulation Waveform :

Type below command in Postlayout directory
$  ngspice 1bit_sram_write.spice

Future Work

  • Optimization of layout design of custom cells for better cell fitting and compiling custom cells with openRAM.


  • Deepak verma


  • Kunal Ghosh, Co-founder, VSD Corp. Pvt. Ltd.
  • Philipp Gühring, Software Architect, LibreSilicon Assocation
  • Yash Kumar, VSD Teaching Assistant - laryash99@gmail.com
  • Reuel Reuben, VSD Teaching Assistant -reuel992000@gmail.com
  • Nickson Jose,, VSD Teaching Assistant

Contact Information