
Metabundance: Investigating ARG abundance in metagenomes and linking them to MGEs

Primary LanguagePython


Metabundance is a pipeline utilizing Snakemake designed to investigate metagenomic paired FASTQ reads at the assembly level and find abundance of antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs) from within and between samples. It handles trimming the reads as well as creating and annotating the assemblies. The main feature of Metabundance is the ability for it to link each ARG it finds to various classes of mobile genetic elements (MGEs), as well as taxonomy.

Metabundance's output gives you two matrices of abundance data, as well as an observation matrix, to create Phyloseq objects in R for further downstream analysis and visualizations.


  • Must be ran on Linux
  • Miniconda installed and conda set up
  • Mamba installed
  • Read pairs need to be labelled properly:
    • numbered 1 - sample total following this format: [sample number]_[R1/R2]_001.fastq.gz
  • Metadata must be included as a csv file, with the first column containing sample ID
  • If you want taxonomy data, you need to download SprayNPray as a conda environment


git clone https://github.com/nali321/metabundance


Run conda_installer.py to create environments for pipeline.

python /path/to/conda_installer.py -o /path/to/envs
conda activate /path/to/envs/metabundance

This pipeline was originally designed on an HPC-server without internet access on clusters, therefore pre-installing the conda environments/dependencies before running the Snakemake pipeline was implemented. This achieves the same result as if the conda module was used on Snakemake, where the conda environments are specifically downloaded to a separate folder instead of your main envs folder.

Usage Guide:

Quick Start

python /path/to/metabundance.py -r /path/to/paired_reads -e /path/to/envs -i /path/to/illuminaclip -m /path/to/metadata.csv -o /path/to/outdir