
quick Manhattan plot app

Primary LanguageR


This app will take a text file with GWAS summary statistics as input and output Manhattan plot and QQ-plot. Run it as an executable from command line to see all the available options.

Usage: ./manqq.R [options]


            Text file with the columns P, CHROM and POS, it can also be compressed (.gz)

    -r CHARACTER, --chromosome=CHARACTER
            Column name for the chromosome, [default = CHR]

    -b CHARACTER, --basepair=CHARACTER
            Column name for the genomic position, [default = BP]

    -p CHARACTER, --pvalue=CHARACTER
            Column name for the association p-value, [default = P]

    -c LOGICAL, --cut=LOGICAL
            To speed up plotting, cut out snps with P > 0.05, [default = FALSE]

    -m CHARACTER, --manout=CHARACTER
            output file name [default = out(.manhattan.png)]

    -t NUMERIC, --threshold=NUMERIC
            threshold line for suggestive significance [default = 5e-06]

            output file name [default = out(qq.png)]

    -h, --help
            Show this help message and exit