We propose a unified pipeline to harmonize control samples from different cohort studies that may have been genotyped using multiple different array platforms. The pipeline contains four modules: (i) Stratification Within-array processing, (ii) Imputation, (iii) Cross-array comparison, and (iv) Re-imputation.
- Cohort-level QC: perform cohort-level quality control cohort_qc.py
- Ancestry matching: infer the ancestry of each sample match_ancestry.py
- Merging: merge samples sharing the same genotyping array and ancestry group merge_cohorts.py
- Array-level QC: perform array-level quality control array_qc.py
We use the Michigan Imputation server, with 1000 Genomes data as the reference panel. It requires vcf-formatted input, which could be obtained with the script convert_to_vcf.py .
- Merging: convert and merge imputed VCFs from Michigan imputation server to MatrixTables merge_vcfs_and_convert_to_mt.py
- Post-imputation QC.: removes variants with low minor allele frequencies, or small Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium p-values, or low imputation info scores postimp_qc.py
- Cross-array pseudo GWAS: perform cross-array type pseudo-GWAS cross_array_comparison.py
- Generating Blacklist of SNPs: generate a blacklist of SNPs based on ER2 filter get_blacklist.py
- Re-run analysis. remove the blacklist of SNPs from the data set produced by module 1, and then re-run module 2, 3, 4.
We applied this pipeline to aggregate 27,517 European samples from 16 collections within dbGaP. Here we provide the list of problematic SNPs identified and removed in different steps of the pipeline.
The blacklist of SNPs based on ER2 filter for array types HumanHap300, HumanHap550, HumanHap610, HumanHap660, Affymetrix 6.0 and Axiom_KP_UCSF_EUR
The blacklist of SNPs that exhibit significant p-values in cross-array-type comparison: cross-comparison blacklist
Chen, Tashman, Palmer, Neale, Roeder, Bloemendal, Churchhouse and Ke (2020). A data harmonization pipeline to leverage external controls and boost power in GWAS.