
Games and examples built for RoboMaster EP with RoboMasterPy | 与你的大疆机甲大师愉快玩耍,基于RoboMasterPy构建

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

RoboMasterPy Playground

English | 中文

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Games and examples built for RoboMaster EP with RoboMasterPy.

RoboMasterPy Goalkeeper

Press Start

RoboMasterPy Playground requires Python 3.6 and above.

# optional, suggested
virtualenv venv

# Python 3.6.x
pip install -r requirements-py36.txt
# Python 3.7 and above
pip install -r requirements.txt

Drive your robomaster using keyboard

Live video stream is displayed on your screen.

$ python drive.py --help
Usage: drive.py [OPTIONS]

  --ip TEXT        (Optional) IP of Robomaster EP
  --timeout FLOAT  (Optional) Timeout for commands
  --help           Show this message and exit.

Key bindings:

  • W, A, S, D: forward, leftward, backward, rightward;
  • space bar: blaster fire
  • up, down: gimbal pitch up, gimbal pitch down
  • left, right: chassis roll left, chassis roll right
  • 1~5: gears

Make your robomaster a goalkeeper

There is a blog post explaining Goalkeeper's implementation: https://nanmu.me/en/posts/2020/build-a-goalkeeper-robomaster/

You need tweak GREEN_LOWER and GREEN_UPPER per your luminance to get good experience. The default values works okay under daylight shade.

$ python goalkeeper.py --help
Usage: goalkeeper.py [OPTIONS]

  --ip TEXT          (Optional) IP of Robomaster EP
  --timeout FLOAT    (Optional) Timeout for commands
  --max-width FLOAT  (Optional) Field width
  --max-depth FLOAT  (Optional) Field depth
  --xy-speed FLOAT   (Optional) Speed in x and y direction
  --z-speed FLOAT    (Optional) Speed in z direction(chassis roll)
  --help             Show this message and exit.

RoboMasterPy User Guide


Documentation is generously hosted by Read the Docs.

Health and Safety Notice

  • Your Robomaster may hurt people or pet, break stuffs or itself;
  • Make sure your RoboMaster has enough room to move; make sure the ground is clear;
  • Start slowly, avoid using high speed for debugging;
  • Use cushion;
  • Stay safe and have fun!


RoboMasterPy Playground is a fan work, and it has no concern with DJI.

DJI, RoboMaster are trademarks of SZ DJI Technology Co., Ltd.


RoboMasterPy Playground was incubated during a RoboMaster EP developing contest. The author would like to thank DJI for hardware and technical support.


RoboMasterPy Playground is released under MIT license.