
Visual servoing lab with a medical robot

Primary LanguageCMake

Visual Servoing lab

This lab was created by Pere Ridao and Narcís Palomeras by the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree MAIA in the University of Girona for a course about Medical Robots.


The package has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS Melodic but it should work with other ROS flavours. This package has 2 dependencies that have to be manually installed:

Clone this package and the 2 dependencies in your CATKIN_WORKSPACE using $ git clone .... Then check that everything is correctly installed. To do it execute:

$ roslaunch visual_servoing visual_servoing.launch

An RViz window similar to this one should appears.

If you want to move the arm manually be sure to enable the param

<param name="use_gui" value="true" />

in the file ./launch/visual_servoing.launch.


This package will be used to perform a couple of exercises that will be provided to you. Follow them to complete the lab.