
Waveport Scattering Library

Primary LanguageTeX


Waveport Scattering Library - Version 1


Mark Haynes

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology



The Waveport Scattering Library is a collection of equations, derivations, and Matlab codes on selected topics in electromagnetic scattering. This work started with a personal collection of notes and codes with the idea of creating a consistent scattering code library with which analysis and new routines could be developed and checked more quickly. The documentation was designed to serve as part quick reference, part code explanation, and part teaching guide.


The topics of the library follow closely the textbooks of Chew, Tsang, Kong, and Ulaby:

  • Green’s functions
  • Spherical wave functions
  • Spherical wave function rotation and translation
  • S-matrix and T-matrix scattering
  • Facet scattering under the Kirchhoff approximation
  • Fast Multipole Method operators
  • Generation of rough surfaces and random objects
  • Geometric (ray-tracing) scattering solutions
  • Coordinate transforms and special functions


The main document is Waveport.pdf. It is written in the style of Numerical Recipes. Equations, derivations, explanations and code are combined inline in the text. All the Latex source files are in Tex/.


Matlab routines are in directory Code/. Most routines are building blocks for analysis rather than complete heavy-hitting numerical codes. Example scripts for running the routines are included in the repository under each topic directory.


The code is released under the Apache 2.0 Open Source license. It is free to run and modify for non-commercial use.


This work can be cited generally as:

Haynes, M. (2021). Waveport Scattering Library. Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of Technology. https://doi.org/10.48588/JPL.HE9D-BA55

Specific sections and subsections can be cited as, for example:

Haynes, M. (2021). "Spherical Harmonics." Waveport Scattering Library. Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of Technology. https://doi.org/10.48588/JPL.HE9D-BA55


Copyright (c) 2020-21, by the California Institute of Technology. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. JPL document clearance CL#21-3866.


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