
JED quaternion needs different conversion

JosephBowkett opened this issue · 1 comments

jsd_jed.c converts the quaternion from the device as:

  w      = (double)w_raw / 1000.0;
  x      = (double)x_raw / 1000.0;
  y      = (double)y_raw / 1000.0;
  z      = (double)z_raw / 1000.0;

but it appears the value coming across is actually an int16_t, not the uint32 listed in the PDO map, such that the conversion should be:

        int16_t w_tmp = (int16_t)w_raw;
        int16_t x_tmp = (int16_t)x_raw;
        int16_t y_tmp = (int16_t)y_raw;
        int16_t z_tmp = (int16_t)z_raw;
        w      = (double)w / 1000.0;
        x      = (double)x / 1000.0;
        y      = (double)y / 1000.0;
        z      = (double)z / 1000.0;

Should add this change when splitting out the JED device types.

I believe this issue no longer applies with the refactor of JED0200 and JED0101. If you can confirm that please close this issue.