
SeqSleuth is a Python package developed for the Genome in a Bottle (GIAB) data portal. It's purpose is to collect and organize metadata from Fastq, bam, and vcf files for further usage and analysis. The primary goal of this project is to streamline and automate the metadata extraction and processing workflow for the GIAB project.

While we are open to re-use or modification of the code by the community, please note that the package is currently being developed with the specific use-case of the GIAB project in mind. Therefore, functionality required for other projects may not be provided or may require adaptation of the existing code.


  • Extracts metadata from fastq, bam, and vcf files based on file url and file contents.
  • Outputs the extracted metadata to a CSV file for easy review and further processing
  • Supports multi-threading to speed up metadata extraction from large batches of files

Getting Started


This package requires Python 3.7 or newer.


Clone this repository to your local machine and navigate to the project root directory.

Run the following command to install the necessary dependencies:

pip install .


The primary script for this package is It takes a list of Fastq files as arguments, and outputs the extracted metadata to a CSV file.

Basic usage is as follows:

usage: seqsleuth [-h] [--num_reads NUM_READS] [--workers WORKERS] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--verbose] [--progress] [--version] file_list

Predict the technology and extract metadata from fastq, bam, and vcf files.

positional arguments:
  file_list             A csv file containing a the columns `file_type`, `filename`, and `filepath`. The `filename` and `filepath` values are combined to generate the file url, assuming the file is
                        on the NIH hosted GIAB ftp site.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --num_reads NUM_READS
                        Number of reads to process. Defaults to 5. Set to -1 to process all reads.
  --workers WORKERS     Number of worker threads. Defaults to 1. Set to 'all' to use all CPU cores.
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output directory.
  --verbose             Print detailed messages.
  --progress            Show progress bar.
  --version             show program's version number and exit


We are not currently accepting contributions from the community, as the package is being developed specifically for the GIAB project. However, we welcome feedback and suggestions.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • This script was developed with assistance from a conversation with OpenAI's ChatGPT.