- 5
eror 4058
#81 opened - 3
Failed to fetch Spotify data:
#62 opened by zachlmao - 0
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
#80 opened by NismoGraphics - 5
code: 4000, message: 'No Client ID Specified'
#78 opened by Alirezaies - 0
TIDAL version of this?
#77 opened by jamesxsc - 2
Error - cannot find module "discord-rpc"
#47 opened by seckujdivad - 2 Missing Instructions
#61 opened by NintenZone - 2
Some sort of "Rebuild" Issue I think...
#76 opened by DJDEADWOLF - 3
All of a sudden there are a bunch of dependencies I need to download but I don't know what they are
#72 opened by bigmoutard - 1
getting this error on High Sierra
#71 opened by FloydRepo - 1
When I play a song, I get this error.
#69 opened by LilBirdyCodes - 1
Error: Cannot find module 'request'
#70 opened by realCmdData - 0
Failed to fetch Spotify data
#68 opened by xxCoolxx18 - 0
- 1
RPC connection timeout error?
#65 opened by Kraftist - 4
Can't connect to Spotilocal
#46 opened by foxt - 3
#63 opened by danyy666 - 2
Wmic is unable to retrieve process list
#44 opened by Thodor20 - 1
- 3
async function spotifyReconnect () {
#54 opened by XxPoNaGeXx - 2
Failed to fetch Spotify data
#57 opened by TheBazzalisk - 1
- 2
Featurerequest: "Listening to" status
#56 opened by Redworthy - 6
SyntaxError: Unexpected token function
#50 opened by TheLastZombie - 0
"npm i" not installing all dependency's
#49 opened by pascalo7 - 0
cannot find module discord-rpc
#55 opened by venyourbff - 2
wintools exceeds maxBuffer (w/ fix)
#32 opened by ndarville - 7
Not really an issue, but can you replace the text showing "Spotify Music" in discord to sth else?
#51 opened by D1yt - 4
Issue when closing spotify, would love to recreate this. Finna rewrite this so much better.
#38 opened by dustinrouillard - 0
Error: maxBuffer exceded
#48 opened by NightMean - 1
Offering the app as an executable file
#28 opened by kettui - 1
wmic error
#45 opened by xxCoolxx18 - 5
00:00 left when unpausing
#33 opened by tilda - 1
Discord does not show indication correctly
#37 opened by DaYWhiTe - 1
Conection timeout when running node app.js
#41 opened by 7832ru - 1
You must install peer dependencies yourself.
#43 opened by alv314 - 2
Stuck at "Connected to Discord!"
#42 opened by VincentW2 - 2
freezes when doing `npm i`
#40 opened by AISSR - 2
Not sure if it's a bug or not, but when you have "Hide activity" on Spotify, RP does not work.
#23 opened by Taarek - 2
Works on spotify less than 1.0
#31 opened by tilda - 2
Detect when the spotify web helper is closed and stop searching for the socket.
#24 opened by dustinrouillard - 1
Local files cause the application to crash.
#21 opened by Aria-NL - 1
Error seconds after doing node app.js
#26 opened by danielity - 2
"no git binary found in $Path"
#30 opened by GloriousAlpaca - 2
unexpected token function
#29 opened by Baecon - 8
How to remove the dot from "Spotify."?
#19 opened by adamaharony - 2
Failed to fetch Spotify data
#22 opened by Cardinite - 1
Closing and reopening Discord
#16 opened by BitBitmap - 3
What if there was a Twitter version?
#18 opened by timrossback - 1