
My hyprland setup on Arco Linux

Primary LanguageShell

Hyprland on ArcoLinux

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Hyprland is a dynamic tiling Wayland compositor based on wlroots that doesn't sacrifice on its looks.

Label Application
Operating System ArcoLinux
Window Manager Hyprland
Status Bar Waybar-hyprland-git
Launcher Wofi
Session Manager archlinux-logout
Notifications Mako
Terminal Kitty
Web Browser Firefox
Fonts Fira Sans Condensed
Symbols Nerd Font
Iosevka Medium

🛠 Installation

If you want to install this setup on ARCH Linux or on any other distro, follow the points below:

  1. Install the following programs on your computer:
  • anyrun
  • grim
  • hyprland-nvidia-git
  • hyprpicker
  • kitty
  • lf
  • mako
  • pamixer
  • polkit-gnome
  • slurp
  • swaybg
  • swayidle
  • swaylock-effects
  • waybar-hyprland-git
  • wf-recorder
  • wl-clipboard
  • wlroots
  • wofi
  • xbacklight
  • xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git
  • xorg-xwayland
  • yad
  • rofi-lbonn-wayland
  • jaq
  1. Clone the repo
  2. Assuming you do not have Hyprland configured before, copy/move all the files in the repo to ~/.config/hypr.
git clone <this repository>
cd hyprland
mkdir -p ~/.config/hypr
cp -r * ~/.config/hypr
  1. You can start Hyprland using a simple launcher script below:

cd ~

# Log WLR errors and logs to the hyprland log. Recommended

# Tell XWayland to use a cursor theme
export XCURSOR_THEME=Bibata-Modern-Classic

# Set a cursor size
export XCURSOR_SIZE=24

# Example IME Support: fcitx
export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx
export SDL_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export GLFW_IM_MODULE=ibus

exec Hyprland
  1. My launcher script here.

  2. You can refer here for more info.

Keybinds (Not updated. Please refer to config file)


Keybind Description
SUPER + Return Open Kitty terminal
SUPER + W Open firefox in workspace 2
SUPER + SHIFT + W Open WhatsApp in workspace 9 silently
SUPER + Q Kill focused window
SUPER + SHIFT + Q Exit Hyprland
SUPER + A Open Microsoft Edge (Default Profile)
SUPER + SHIFT + A Open Microsoft Edge (Profile 1)
SUPER + F Toggle fullscreen of focused window
SUPER + CTRL + F Toggle fake fullscreen of focused window
SUPER + E Open lf - Terminal based file manager
SUPER + SHIFT + E Open Nautilus
SUPER + V Toggle floating of focused window
SUPER + SHIFT + V Toggle floating on all windows
SUPER + R Open application using anyrun
SUPER + C Open application using wofi
SUPER + SHIFT + C Open application using bemenu
SUPER + L Toggle between Master and Dwindle layout
SUPER + SHIFT + L Lock screen
SUPER + S Set split ratio to 0.3
SUPER + SHIFT + S Set split ratio to -0.3
SUPER + Escape Toggle power menu (archlinux-logout)
SUPER + T Set night mode on (flux)
SUPER + SHIFT + T Set night mode off
SUPER + SHIFT + O Color picker in RGB format
SUPER + ALT + F Focus the first matched kitty window
SUPER + Y Open Youtube-Music in special:trash workspace
SUPER + B Toggle (show/hide) waybar
SUPER + SHIFT + B Reload waybar

Master Layout

Keybind Description
SUPER + J Cycle to next window
SUPER + K Cycle to previous window
SUPER + SHIFT + Return Swap current focused window with Master window
SUPER + SHIFT + period Cycle to next master layout orientation
SUPER + SHIFT + comma Cycle to previous master layout orientation
SUPER + CTRL + Return Focus master window


Keybind Description
I Add focused window to Master and exit submap
D Remove focused window from Master and exit submap
Esc Exit submap

Dwindle Layout

Keybind Description
SUPER + J Cycle to next window
SUPER + K Cycle to previous window
SUPER + P Toggle pseudo on focused window
SUPER + SHIFT + P Toggle pseudo on all windows
SUPER + O Toggle split window

Special Keys

Keybind Description
Volume Up Increase volume by 5%
Volume Down Decrease volume by 5%
Mute Toggle mute
Brightness Up Increase brightness by 5%
Brightness Down Decrease brightness by 5%
Play Play/Pause media
Next Play next media in list
Previous Play previous media in list

Backlight control

Keybind Description
SUPER + SHIFT + = Enter backlight mode
= Increase backlight by 5%
- Decrease backlight by 5%
K Increase backlight by 5%
J Decrease backlight by 5%
Up Increase backlight by 5%
Down Decrease backlight by 5%
Esc Exit backlight mode

Volume control

Keybind Description
SUPER + = Enter volume mode
= Increase volume by 5%
- Decrease volume by 5%
K Increase volume by 5%
J Decrease volume by 5%
Up Increase volume by 5%
Down Decrease volume by 5%
0 Toggle mute
9 Toggle Microphone
Esc Exit volume mode

Resize windows

Keybind Description
SUPER + SHIFT + R Enter resize mode
Left / H Resize left
Right / L Resize right
Up / K Resize up
Down / J Resize down
Esc Exit resize mode

Move focused window

Keybind Description
SUPER + SHIFT + M Enter move mode
Left / H Move left
Right / L Move right
Up / K Move up
Down / J Move down
Esc Exit move mode


Keybind Description
SUPER + SHIFT + F Enter focus mode
Left / H Focus left
Right / L Focus right
Up / K Focus up
Down / J Focus down
Esc Exit focus mode
Alt + Tab Focus between current and previous focused window

Special workspace

Keybind Description
SUPER + SHIFT + U Move focused window to special workspace
SUPER + U Toggle special workspace
SUPER + SHIFT + Backspace Move focused window to special:work workspace
SUPER + Backspace Toggle special:work workspace

Switch workspaces

Keybind Description
SUPER + 1 Move to workspace 1
SUPER + 2 Move to workspace 2
SUPER + 3 Move to workspace 3
SUPER + 4 Move to workspace 4
SUPER + 5 Move to workspace 5
SUPER + 6 Move to workspace 6
SUPER + 7 Move to workspace 7
SUPER + 8 Move to workspace 8
SUPER + 9 Move to workspace 9
SUPER + 0 Move to workspace 10
SUPER + ` Move to first empty workspace

Move active window to a workspace

Keybind Description
SUPER + CTRL + 1 Move focused window to workspace 1
SUPER + CTRL + 2 Move focused window to workspace 2
SUPER + CTRL + 3 Move focused window to workspace 3
SUPER + CTRL + 4 Move focused window to workspace 4
SUPER + CTRL + 5 Move focused window to workspace 5
SUPER + CTRL + 6 Move focused window to workspace 6
SUPER + CTRL + 7 Move focused window to workspace 7
SUPER + CTRL + 8 Move focused window to workspace 8
SUPER + CTRL + 9 Move focused window to workspace 9
SUPER + CTRL + 0 Move focused window to workspace 10
SUPER + CTRL + ` Move focused window to first empty workspace
SUPER + CTRL + [ Move focused window to previous workspace
SUPER + CTRL + ] Move focused window to next workspace

Silently move active window to a workspace

Keybind Description
SUPER + SHIFT + 1 Move focused window to workspace 1
SUPER + SHIFT + 2 Move focused window to workspace 2
SUPER + SHIFT + 3 Move focused window to workspace 3
SUPER + SHIFT + 4 Move focused window to workspace 4
SUPER + SHIFT + 5 Move focused window to workspace 5
SUPER + SHIFT + 6 Move focused window to workspace 6
SUPER + SHIFT + 7 Move focused window to workspace 7
SUPER + SHIFT + 8 Move focused window to workspace 8
SUPER + SHIFT + 9 Move focused window to workspace 9
SUPER + SHIFT + 0 Move focused window to workspace 10
SUPER + SHIFT + ` Move focused window to first empty workspace
SUPER + SHIFT + [ Move focused window to previous workspace
SUPER + SHIFT + ] Move focused window to next workspace

Scroll through existing workspaces

Keybind Description
SUPER + Mouse wheel down Move to previous workspace
SUPER + Mouse wheel up Move to next workspace
SUPER + [ Move to previous workspace
SUPER + ] Move to next workspace

Move/resize windows with using mouse

Keybind Description
SUPER + LMB Move window
SUPER + RMB Resize window
SUPER + RMM Toggle floating

Group Windows

Keybind Description
SUPER + G Toggle group
SUPER + Tab Change to next window in group
SUPER + CTRL + G Move window out of group
SUPER + ALT + G Lock group
SUPER + SHIFT + G Toggle move focus window into group submap
J Move focused window down into group and escape group submap
K Move focused window up into group and escape group submap
L Move focused window right into group and escape group submap
H Move focused window left into group and escape group submap
Escape Escape group submap

Script binds

Keybind Description
Print Toggle screen capture
1 Take screenshot of all screens
2 Take a screenshot of current screen
3 Take a screenshot of current focused window
4 Take a screenshot of an area
Escape Escape screenshot submap
SUPER + SHIFT + Y Listen to Lofi music stream

Two Monitors

  • When there are to monitors connected, workspaces 1-5 bind to monitor id 0 and workspaces 6-10 bind to monitor id 1
Keybind Description
SUPER + SHIFT + CTRL + comma Swap workspaces between monitors
SUPER + SHIFT + CTRL + comma Swap workspaces between monitors
SUPER + SHIFT + CTRL + Left Swap workspaces between monitors
SUPER + SHIFT + CTRL + Right Swap workspaces between monitors
SUPER + comma Focus on monitor id 0
SUPER + period Focus on monitor id 1


Module Mouse Click Description
Battery Middle Toggle swallow
Updater Left Spawn kitty terminal and execute yay
Volume Left Mute
Wheel Up Increase volume by 5%
Wheel Down Decrease volume by 5%
Brightness Wheel Up Increase brightness by 5%
Wheel Down Decrease brightness by 5%
Network Right Execute script to connect to VPN (script not included)
Clock Right Random wallpaper change

Special thanks