
Awesome Window Management 🪟🚀

Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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Awesome Window Management 🪟🚀

awesome2k Demo
awesome2k screenshot

What is this

My personalized configs for awesome window manager, optimized for an awesome experience.


Comes with a bunch of customized widgets:

  • audio
  • battery
  • cpu
  • disk
  • network
  • ram
  • session
  • text
  • time
  • todo


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • awesome the window manager itself
  • rofi with rofi2k my preferred launcher
  • compton/picom compositor, for transparency
  • lxappearance for gtk styling
  • copyq for clipboard management
  • nitrogen for wallpapers
  • light for display brightness
  • amixer for volume management
  • autorandr for multiple displays
  • i3lock/i3lock-fancy for lockscreen in session widget
# Arch
sudo pacman -S awesome picom lxappearance copyq nitrogen light amixer autorandr rofi

# Debian
sudo apt install awesome picom lxappearance copyq nitrogen light amixer autorandr rofi

Setting up awesome2k

To get awesome2k, follow these steps:

git clone https://github.com/2kabhishek/awesome2k
ln -sfnv "$PWD/awesome2k" ~/.config/awesome

Add the following bash function to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file to customize awesome and rofi accent colours

accent() {

    if [[ $1 == '#'* ]]; then
    elif [ -z "$1" ]; then

    sed -i "s/local accent.*/local accent = '$color'/" ~/.config/awesome/awesome2k.lua
    sed -i "s/selected.*/selected:       $color;/" ~/.config/rofi/themes/shared/colors.rasi
    echo 'awesome.restart()' | awesome-client

# Example usage: accent #454ec5

You can also install pastel and combine it with the accent function to pick and set any colour on your screen as accent

accent $(pastel pick | pastel format hex)

Using awesome2k

Hit Super + / key to view keyboard shortcuts.


After using KDE for a long time with tiling support and struggling with config management, finally decided to switch to awesome.

How it was built

awesome2k was built using nvim

Hit the ⭐ button if you found this useful.

More Info

Source | Website