
PhD Thesis: Defense Slides

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PhD Thesis: Defense Slides.

Compressed slide PDF

Slides based on an unofficial FEMTO-ST Beamer template: https://github.com/nazandre/femtostslides


Use the Makefile or the TEX editor of your choice.

Instructions to visualize the videos

The slides come with 13 videos, that are in the videos/ folder. To visualize the presentation slides with the videos, I personally use the software pdfpc v4.0.2 in Ubuntu 16.04.

In case of troubles, the videos can still be manually played apart from the slide show. In order to help identifying the position of the videos in the slide show, the number of the slide is indicated in the name of the video file (e.g., videos/21-abccenter-dynamics.avi refers to the video of ABC-Center that is displayed in the slide 21).

Sources of External Images and Videos

Slide 3:

Conveying Surface: http://smartblocks.univ-fcomte.fr/smartblocks.avi

Claytronics: Extracted from http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~claytronics/movies/cardesign.wmv

Slide 5:

Magnifying glass in fig/scenario/base-application.odg and fig/scenario/base-application.pdf: Modified version of https://pixabay.com/fr/loupe-grossissant-transparent-303408/

Model for the 2D-Catom red car: To generate the 2D-Catom car image, we used a modified version of a car image taken from http://fotomelia.com/?download=clipart-illustration-voiture-rouge-images-photos-gratuites

Slide 7:

Details of a Blinky Block: ?

Rainbow of Blinky Blocks: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~claytronics/images/rainbowfront.jpg

Slide 8:

Rotating hardware 2D-Catom: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~claytronics/movies/1X_tube_back-and-forth.avi

2D-Catom actuation scheme: Modified version of an image taken from "Karagozler, M. E. (2012). Design, Fabrication and Characterization of an Autonomous, Sub-millimeter Scale Modular Robot. PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon University."