This repository contains the reproduction for the design in the paper titled "Design of a Roller-Based Dexterous Hand for Object Grasping and Within-Hand Manipulation." This fantastic robotic hand is designed by Shenli Yuan. I like the design at my first sight when reading his paper. Therefore, I reproduced this robotic hand based on the implementations in his paper and some helperful advice from him.
The \Code folder includes the control program folder and library folder.
- Current based position control for dynamixels
- Arduino Servo library for pivot servo motors
- PD controller for roller motors
- Custom serial communication protocol built on top of the protocol developed by Rohan Agrawal
The grasping performance is tested on five different objects, including bottle, box, die, paper, and sphere.
The .pdf file includes the summary of the paper when I read it. Based on the kinematic analysis and implementation instructions in the paper, I reproduced the design.
The circuit diagram can be found in the paper.
Teensy 3.6: handles serial communication and low level controllers
SMPS2Dynamixel Adapter: used as power regulator for the whole circuit
Dynamixel DYNAMIXEL XM430-W350-T: base joints
Savox SW-0250MG Servo: pivot joints
Micro gear motors: roller joints
L298N Motor Driver Carrier: dirve the Micro gear motors
under control program, run the five different .ino file in Arduino IDE, the robotic hand will begin grasping movement after input '1' in the serial monitor.
under control program, run the last .ino file in Arduino IDE, input the positions(angle) for each motor in the serial monitor, the hand will operate as expected.
author={Yuan, Shenli and Epps, Austin D. and Nowak, Jerome B. and Salisbury, J. Kenneth},
booktitle={2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
title={Design of a Roller-Based Dexterous Hand for Object Grasping and Within-Hand Manipulation},
year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={8870-8876},