This package presents an autonomous system for singulating and picking thin profile objects, for example, Go stones, capsules and domino blocks, from dense clutter. It is an implementation of Dig-Grasping, a new robotic manipulation technique for simultaneously singulating and picking objects from clutter, by leveraging planar quasistatic pushing as a way of direct physical interaction between the object to pick and the robot. As will be provided in this package, dig-grasping exhibits a gripper design with digit asymmetry, realized as a two-fingered gripper with finger length differences. Beyond picking, dig-grasping also presents more complex tasks such as autonomous pick-and-place of Go stones and pick-and-pack of capsules, which are included in this package.
Full Video can be seen from this link.
- Universal Robot UR10
- Robotiq 140mm Adaptive parallel-jaw gripper
- RealSense Camera SR300
- Customized Finger design features fingertip concavity
- Extendable Finger for realizing finger length differences during digging
- Extendable Palm developed in another package: Shallow-Depth Insertion (Dexterous Ungrasping). See the link for detailed explanation
This implementation requires the following dependencies (tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS):
- ROS Kinetic
- Urx for UR10 robot control
- robotiq_2finger_grippers: ROS driver for Robotiq Adaptive Grippers
- Mask R-CNN for instance segmentation (also see the dependencies therein). Also download the trained weights for Go stone and capsule.
- OpenCV 3.4.1 and Open3D
Note: The online compiler Jupyter Notebook is needed to run our program.
The simulator describes the finger-object interaction where the object is pushed by a position-controlled finger along a straight line. It is implemented in MATLAB. Right now the simulator is demoed with an elliptical or a rectangular object. Given initial pushing conditions - a initial contact position and an orientation of the line of pushing, the simulator will return the trace of the object being pushed, seen from an observer moving together with the finger. For more details, please see the references [1], [2].
To run the simulator, enter the folder pushing_simulator/elli
or pushing_simulator/rect
- a: length of the object
- b: width of the object
- N: gravity of the object
- mu_s: friction coefficient between the object and the supporting surface
- mu_c: friction coefficient between the object and the pushing finger
- psi: orientation of the line of pushing
- d: initial contact position
An example
a=0.046, b=0.012, N=0.02; mu_s=0.2, mu_c=0.8, psi=120, d=0.006
Create your catkin workspace:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
Activate robotiq 2-fingered gripper and RealSense Camera in two different terminals:
roslaunch dig-grasping gripper.launch sim:=true
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch align_depth:=true
For picking Go stones
Open another terminal, start Jupyter Notebook via
jupyter notebook
, and runinstance_segmentation.ipynb
for instance segmentation and object pose detection. -
Start another Jupyter Notebook in a new terminal, and run
For picking capsules
- run
- run
For picking domino blocks
- run
- run
Open a terminal,
cd scripts/dexterous_ungrasping/script
For Go stone: python
For capsule: python
For any technical issues, please contact: Zhekai Tong (, and Yu Hin Ng (