
A demonstration of dashboards for monitoring Kafka Streams applications.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

For an actively maintained set of dashboards and application to demonstrate those dashboards, please refer to the following



This project is an archive of the project used for my 2021 Kafka Summit Presentation.

Kafka Streams Dashboards

  • Showcases the monitoring of Kafka Streams Metrics

  • This is the code and dashboards as the basis of a Kafka Summit Europe 2021 presentation titled, What is the State of my Kafka Streams Application? Unleashing Metrics..

  • Leverages Docker and Docker Container extensively

  • Containers and Build is with Java 14, but Java 11 would work just fine (changing the build.gradle script accordingly)


  • Setup and Configuration all in the ./scripts/startup.sh script; execute from root directory to get everything running.

  • Shut it all down, use ./scripts/teardown.sh script.

  • Grafana Dashboard

    • https://localhost:3000

    • Credentials:

      • username: admin
      • password: grafana
    • on MacOS your the grafana dashboard will auto open in your default browser.

Kafka Streams Threads Dashboard

Kafka Streams Threads


  • This project leverages docker and docker compose for easy of demonstration.

  • to minimize having to start up all components, separate docker-compose.yml for each logical-unit and a common bridge network ksd.

  • docker compose .env files used to keep container names short and consistent but hopefully not clash with any existing docker containers you are using.

  • Kafka Brokers name/ports

    broker internal (container) bootstrap-servers external (host-machine) bootstrap-servers
    broker-1 broker-1:9092 localhost:19092
    broker-2 broker-2:9092 localhost:29092
    broker-3 broker-3:9092 localhost:39092
    broker-4 broker-4:9092 localhost:49092
  • The Kafka applications can run on the host machine utilizing the external names, the applications can run in containers using the internal hostnames.

    • Run the application within a container with internal configruation, so it can be part of the Grafana dashboard, since prometheus is running in a container and does have access to the host-name endpoint.

    • Run the applications externally for development or experimentation of the application

    • Each project will build a Docker image that then can be started with the 'applications' docker-compose.

OpenSource libraries

  • The primary software libraries used in addition to Apache Kafka Client and Streams Libraries.

    • FasterXML Jackson

    • Lombok

    • JCommander

    • Slf4j API

    • Logback

    • Apache Commons

      • lang3
      • csv


The tools project provides custom deserializers to use to inspect key elements on a change-log topic.

  • scripts/enable-custom-tools-derserialer will create a symbolic link to the tools jar file. This allows for kafka-console-consumer to utilize those deserializers. Inspect the script before running, to understand the modification it will do (expecially if your installation of Apache Kafka is not Confluent's.)
kafka-console-consumer \
   --bootstrap-server localhost:19092 \
   --property print.timestamp=true \
   --property print.partition=true \
   --property print.key=true \
   --property key.separator=\| \
   --key-deserializer=dev.buesing.ksd.tools.serde.SessionDeserializer \
   --topic analytics_session-SESSION-aggregate-purchase-order-changelog