

To run this application:

  • First install the latest version of eclipse for java for your operating system (
  • Clone this repository to a known location
  • In eclipse, select File>import...
  • Select general>Existing Projects into Workspace
  • For root directory, choose the folder that was cloned
  • To play the game, run the file src/Main/
  • To build levels, run src/Main/

----------------------------SARPEDON KABASUJI-------------------------------

Builder Interface:

The builder allows you to create new levels, or edit pre-existing levels

Save will allow one to save a given level under a given Name DO NOT USE NAMES "LEVEL1" "LEVEL2" etc. will overwrite stored levels

Left Click undo button for undo, right click it to redo NUMBER OF MOVES and TIME REMAINING cannot be undone

When entering values for number of moves and time remaining PRESS ENTER to store the value The board size is given in number of squares on the board divided by six (this represents the number of game pieces that can fit on the board since each piece consists of 6 squares)

Clicking on a piece in the stock will add it to the bullpen dragging a piece over the stock and clicking in white space in the stock will release it

Use the Radio buttons to pick desired action Move Tiles -> Allows moving tiles on board to shape the board as desired. (Pieces cannot be moved with this selected) Move Pieces -> Allows placing and removing pieces from the board and bullpen Add Hint -> Allows adding a hint by dragging a piece over the board and clicking in the desired location. Add Number -> allows the adding of a desired number in a desired color (selected using the combo box) to a tile by clicking on it. CHOOSE NUMBER 0 to remove a number from a space.

Player Interface: WARNING: NEW GAME RESETS THE GAME and loads the first level Level Select allows one to enter a desired level from the current game

In Game

  • Move pieces by clicking and dragging them
  • While holding a piece, click rotate or flip to rotate or flip the piece
  • The Star count, moves left, and time left update as the player progresses through the level
  • A screen will pop up with when a level ends (either completed or failed)
  • Press the return to menu button on this pop up to return to menu (for some computers, there are display issues with window sizing, and the popup may need to be enlarged to see the proper menu buttons)

If you wish to give up, hit the return to menu button. This will save the amount of stars that have been earned on a level