- 4cm4k1Minneapolis
- akhavan12
- ArtRand@nanoporetech
- bobbywlindsey@aws
- brandonrobertzWA, USA
- DolicaAkelloEgwelCosmic Coincidence Control Centre
- ericruleman
- estiens@mn-deed by day / @Wonderlux-Labs by night
- ferndot@skilljar
- FMCalistoInstitute for Systems and Robotics
- frantisek901Pilsen, Czech Republic
- HongPongFeidt Design LLC
- ihor-nahuliak
- imad-ict
- JetPlaneJJ
- jordanrinkeDutchie
- kldebGreater Toronto Area, ON, Canada
- loayaminYemen
- lunaroyster@replit
- markemer@ionic-team at @OutSystems
- meghankaneMax Delbrück Center - Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology (MDC-BIMSB)
- NE-SmallTownfeel free to leave a message.
- olynch
- pjroge
- sprainhill
- thejustin