
Coverage not working for TensorFlow Model call function

Opened this issue · 9 comments

This problem was first reported at

1 - I am running a unit test that is invoking the call(...) function of a TensorFlow model. I can see the trace message, that I have placed in the function, printed so I know the function is being called.
2 - The coverage analysis shows that code in red, as though it was not invoked.
3 - It should show green as it was invoked.

See in

See also the requirements.txt in that project.

I've never used TensorFlow before. I'm going to guess that the execution of Python code within call(...) doesn't trigger the Python trace function, but I don't know.

Can you provide very very explicit reproduction steps? Include the version of Python, the commands to run to install everything, and the commands to run the program. Thanks.

Python 3.7.4 on macOS 10.14.6.

The steps so far are:

git clone
cd demo-routenet/bin
. ./
cd ../tests/unit
pytest -s --cov

Since I am looking the results in PyCharm, I am not quite sure how to recreate what I see in PyCharm at the CLI. What seems to be missing, in PyCharm, is any indication that the call function in the src/routenet/model/ code is covered. It is clear that the code is called, as one can see the output from the print statement.

Thanks, this lets me reproduce the problem. I can see that line 65 in is reported as uncovered. I'll dig into it.

@NathanDotTo this was an interesting one! It turns out that TensorFlow is making a transformed copy of your code, and then running it. So your original file isn't actually executed. In a way, was right! I've opened tensorflow/tensorflow#33759 with TensorFlow to see what we can do about it.

I have a similar question, when I debug tensor2tensor and set a breakpoint in at line 316, the debugger doesn't break as if there is no breakpoint. Then I run the code step by step, in the end, I also found a temporary Python file in /tmp/.

  • tensorflow 1.15
  • python 3.7

@Zminghua debugging is not a concern, but sharing my new-found expertise, it should work if you put a "pdb.set_trace()" line in your file. That line will then be copied to the temporary file, and the debugger will break. You will be in a slightly strange world, since your file has been changed, but you can at least be in the debugger.

@nedbat Thanks for your reminding. I have learned that it is AutoGraph conversion in Tensorflow keras module. After I added a "pdb.set_trace()" line, I was really in a slightly strange world. However, I have modified tensorflow source code to prevent the conversion. Thank you very very very much.