
⚡ Improved Unity Console adding better log and stacktrace readability, log filtering, log hyperlinks and more

Primary LanguageC#

Needle Console


Needle Console is available on the Asset Store for commercial use.
Other versions are only allowed to be used non-commercially and only if you're entitled to use Unity Personal (the same restrictions apply).

Feature Overview

  • Improved stacktrace readability
  • Syntax highlight stacktraces
  • Log background colors by type (e.g. warning, error, compiler error)
  • Console log prefixes (only visually in editor)
  • Filter logs: Hide or Solo (e.g. by package, file, line, message)
  • Collapse individual logs
  • Ping script files from log
  • Console hyperlinks
  • Editor-only logs (extensible)
  • Fixes to source code links

How to Install

Add from OpenUPM | via scoped registry, recommended

This package is available on OpenUPM: https://openupm.com/packages/com.needle.console

To add it the package to your project:

  • open Edit/Project Settings/Package Manager
  • add a new Scoped Registry:
    Name: OpenUPM
    URL:  https://package.openupm.com/
    Scope(s): com.needle
  • click Save
  • open Package Manager
  • click +
  • select Add from Git URL
  • paste com.needle.console
  • click Add
Add from GitHub | not recommended, no updates through PackMan

You can also add it directly from GitHub on Unity 2019.4+. Note that you won't be able to receive updates through Package Manager this way, you'll have to update manually.

  • open Package Manager
  • click +
  • select Add from Git URL
  • paste https://github.com/needle-tools/console.git?path=/package
  • click Add

After installation, by default all logs and exceptions will be demystified in the Console.
Syntax highlighting will also be applied, and can be configured to your liking.
Settings can be configured under Edit > Preferences > Needle > Console.

How To Use 💡

Please open the Package Readme for more information.

Supported Versions

Unity 2019.4 until 2021.1

Contact ✒️

🌵 needle — tools for unity@NeedleTools@marcel_wiessler@hybridherbst

discord online