
Console errors do not show full error in lower section - only show errors in a buggy tiny corner of the view

ROBYER1 opened this issue · 7 comments

This happens on both my work PCs and a colleague's pc in the same editor 2020.3.38f1

Just using the starter project from here with matching editor version, it's been doing it since Needle Tools beta was released and on 2.14.2-pre

Makes it hard to see actual errors fully printed out, not sure why the console is behaving like this


Moved the issue to the right repository.

This is on OSX?

Can you try disabling the custom console?

This is on Windows 10 and Windows 11

Moved the issue to the right repository.

This is on OSX?

Can you try disabling the custom console? image

That fixes it for now, can the custom console be fixed though as that seems to be on by default? Had a colleague struggling to find error full logs due to this yesterday as sometimes that small window in my screenshot doesn't even show due to the miniscule size.

Yea it can be. I've seen this before but didnt get to figuring out where exactly it happens (some specific editor version I think, probably the one you mentioned). I'm on 2020.3.33 which doesnt have it. But yes it will be fixed in the next update

Doesn't repro in Unity 2022.1.16f1 which I have upgraded to

Could you try using 2.3.13 ?

marwie commented

any info @ROBYER1 ?