Bicycle Master Plan is a bike map that allows visualizing cycling related data from different sources in multiple layers. Built heavily around data from OpenStreetMap, it allows full visual customization using CSS.
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Change the tag of this project to #OpenStreetMap instead of #openstreetmapS
#47 opened by thibaultmol - 0
add bulk upload of photos with info (CSV?)
#41 opened by nekromoff - 0
replace markercluster with prunecluster
#35 opened by nekromoff - 1
Enable/Disable Individual Editable Sublayers
#33 opened by pqhf5kd - 2
Move Intro String To Translation File.
#34 opened by pqhf5kd - 1
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Multiple default CSS files for paths
#3 opened by nekromoff - 0
- 0
Isochrone plugin
#30 opened by pqhf5kd - 3
advanced on-map editor
#10 opened by nekromoff - 0
add "my location" button
#28 opened by nekromoff - 1
Suggestion - mark highway=crossing
#23 opened by pqhf5kd - 1
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#25 opened by pqhf5kd - 3
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Non-route Popups Don't Work in Safari
#20 opened by pqhf5kd - 0
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add linking to object functionality
#14 opened by nekromoff - 1
admin login via google social oauth2
#16 opened by nekromoff - 2
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On-map editor
#1 opened by nekromoff - 1
Add linking to paths, points, location etc.
#4 opened by nekromoff