
Exposes private Unity APIs for direct access

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Provides direct access to private (!!) Unity C# APIs, compiled with Open Sesame

Forget about Reflection or Lambda.Compile :)



_OptimizedStylePainter is x2.5~ times faster than StylePainter (which draws all GUIStyles), use F3 to enable it.

How to Build


Published .dll then can be used as a managed plugin, without OpenSesame compiler.

For usage in other projects / packages

Rename the AV.BridgeAPI.asmdef in order to avoid collisions!

API Signature Design

// varName_ is a recommended signature when used as a local variable in user scripts
var inspector_ = new _InspectorWindow(inspector);
var tracker = inspector_.tracker;

namespace AV.Bridge
    // _() extension shorthand for public classes
    public static class _BridgeAPI_Extensions
        // visualElement._().layout;
        public static _VisualElement _(this VisualElement x) => new _VisualElement(x);

namespace AV.Bridge._UIElements
    // _ClassName, must be struct to avoid GC alloc
    public struct _VisualElement
        public VisualElement obj => x; VisualElement x; // public obj reference for later usage
        public _VisualElement(VisualElement x) => this.x = x;
        public Shader standardShader { get => panel.standardShader; set => panel.standardShader = value; } 
        public Rect layout { get => x.layout; set => x.layout = value; }
        public Rect worldClip => x.worldClip;
    public struct _GameObjectTreeViewItem
        // obj should be of assignable public type (can be an interface), or just object
        public TreeViewItem obj => x; GameObjectTreeViewItem x;
        // if it needs to be nullable, use x as T instead of (T)x
        public _GameObjectTreeViewItem(TreeViewItem item) => this.x = item as GameObjectTreeViewItem;
        // use ref return, in cases where field can be used directly
        public ref Scene scene => ref x.m_UnityScene;
        public ref int colorCode => ref x.m_ColorCode;
        public ref Object objectPPTR => ref x.m_ObjectPPTR;
        public ref Texture2D overlayIcon => ref x.m_OverlayIcon;

namespace AV.Bridge
    // Static API
    public static class _Physics
        public static bool Raycast(PhysicsScene scene, Vector3 pos, Vector3 dir, out RaycastHit hit, float maxDistance, int layerMask)
            hit = default; var ray = new Ray { m_Origin = pos, m_Direction = dir };
            return PhysicsScene.Internal_Raycast_Injected(ref scene, ref ray, maxDistance, ref hit, layerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal);
        // RaycastHit extension
        public static bool TryGetCollider(this RaycastHit hit, out Collider collider)
            collider = null; if (hit.m_Collider != 0)
                collider = (Collider)Object.FindObjectFromInstanceID(hit.m_Collider); return true;
            } return false;

UI Elements

// RegisterCallback<> via interface
rootVisualElement.OnCallback<IPointerEvent>(evt => {
    if (evt is PointerMoveEvent moveEvt)

// called when any event is triggered
// similar to ExecuteDefaultAction, but does not require inheriting from class
rootVisualElement.OnAnyEvent((EventBase evt) => Debug.Log($"any event: {evt}"));

// internal event that is called on BaseVisualElementPanel
// not an EventBase, not registered per-element!
rootVisualElement.OnHierarchyChanged((element, type) => Debug.Log($"{element} {type}"));

// returns all registered callbacks
foreach (var evt in rootVisualElement._().Callbacks())
    if (evt.IsTypeOf<IPanelChangedEvent>()) // _EventFunctor



No InternalsVisibleTo, no problem – bypassing C# visibility rules with Roslyn