ZDownload Server

This server works in tandem with the Zdownloadchrome Chrome extension to make downloading files from URLs easier.


  • Node.js
  • npm


Clone the repository and install dependencies.

```bash git clone https://github.com/nervusdm/zdownloadserv.git cd zdownloadserv npm install ```

Important: Security Note

The config.ini file is included in the repository. Make sure to change the token_pass in config.ini to something secure before running the server.

Running the Server

```bash node index.js ```

Recommended: Using PM2

We recommend using PM2 to keep your server running in the background.

Install PM2:

```bash npm install pm2 -g ```

Start the server with PM2:

```bash pm2 start index.js ```


  1. Start the ZDownload Server.
  2. Install the Zdownloadchrome Chrome extension.
  3. Configure the extension to connect to your ZDownload Server.


  • Secure token-based authentication.
  • List all downloaded files.
  • Download files directly from your browser.
  • Delete downloaded files.