Heliot is a framework to emulate different IoT scenarios. An Iot scenario in Heliot consists of sensors (both real and virtual), compute resources (cloud, cloudlet, edge devices, containers etc) running computation and a dynamic network topology. Heliot simplifies to study the application performance in presence of heterogeneous compute resources, sensors, dynamic network characteristics,and compute partition and placement algorithms. Heliot is in active development.
Heliot received the best demo award at IoTDI 2019.
To better understand the Heliot, let us consider a demo IoT scenario of surveillance as follows.
In this scenario, we have two image sensors capturing images on which object detection is done in realtime.
The scenario consists of the following components:
- Object detection inference of detecting Cars and Person from images using Neural Network.
- Two image sensors (i) Google Vision Kit (ii) Drone in Airsim having Camera.
- Compute resources (Google Vision Kit, Virtual Container, Nvidia Jetson TX-2). At present, the inference is done on Nvidia Jetson TX-2.
- Network emulation using Mininet.
- User Smartphone to deliver the notification.
- Hardware requirements
- Recommended configuration: Intel core i9 or i7 processor with 8 cores, 32 GB RAM, NVIDIA TitanX GPU and peripherals (monitor, mouse, and keyboard).
- For development purpose, we use i7 processor with 8 cores, 32 GB RAM and NVIDIA TitanX GPU.
- Operating system : Windows 10 Home.
- Hardware requirements
- Recommended configuration: Intel core i9 or i7 processor with 8 cores, 32 GB RAM
- For development purpose, we use i7 processor with 12 cores and 32 GB RAM.
- Operating system : Ubuntu 16.04.5
- Hardware requirements
- Jetson-Tx2 Developer Kit and peripherals (monitor, USB hub, mouse, and keyboard).
- Operating system : A customized version of Ubuntu 16.04. More details in the Installation and System Setup section.
- Recommended vendor
- Jetson-Tx2 Developer Kit: Available on Amazon from Nvidia.
- Peripherals (monitor): The development kit supports HDMI. Monitor or TV (any size will work) with a HDMI input. We use ASUS monitor available here.
- Peripherals (mouse, and keyboard): Connecting mouse and keyboard require a USB hub. We use USB hub available here.
- Hardware requirements
- Google Vision Kit and peripherals (Android Smartphone and a separate computer).
- Operating system : A customized version of Raspbian. More details in the Installation and System Setup section.
- Recommended vendor
- Google Vision Kit: Available from Target
- Peripherals : Android Smartphone and a separate computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux computer) is needed to configure Google Vision Kit.
- Any Android smartphone can be used.
- Recommended vendor: We use Samsung Galaxy S7.
We are actively working on adding new edge devices, support and documentation.
In order to emulate the demo surveillance scenario, we will setup the below system. The installation steps are listed separately for each section.
- Installation and system setup steps: Available here
- Installation and system setup steps: Available here
- Installation and system setup steps: Available here.
- Installation and system setup steps: Available here
- Installation and system setup steps: Available here
Heliot is in active development. Please follow the installation and system set up steps listed above.
In the folder Heliot/computation/Jetson/ run.
python3 main.py JETSON_PORT_NUM
PORT_NUM can be: 18800
Wait until you see, the below output in the terminal before running any sensor code or the test code.
Available for Inference now
To verify, that Jetson-Tx2 is running as inference server run.
python3 test.py JETSON_PORT_NUM
0. get source code and install required packages by following the steps described here
cd placethings
vim config_ddflow_demo/task_data.json
- => the corresponding IP and port of the actuator, which would be the DISPLAY_SERVER_IP:DISPLAY_SERVER_PORT described in UserDevice/smartphone section in this demo
- => the corresponding IP and port of Jetson-Tx2
# clean up mininet objects (if any)
sudo mn -c
# run the demo case
sudo python main.py demo -tc test_ddflow_demo.Test -c config_ddflow_demo
sample output:
2018-11-27 17:00:38,509 |[INFO] start: start mininet.
2018-11-27 17:00:38,510 |[INFO] start: *** Starting network
2018-11-27 17:02:51,480 |[INFO] test: === running scenario: initial deployment ===
2018-11-27 17:02:51,481 |[INFO] start_workers: run all workers
2018-11-27 17:02:51,481 |[INFO] run_worker: run worker on CAMERA.0
2018-11-27 17:02:51,482 |[INFO] run_cmd: send command to CAMERA.0(h0): cd /opt/github/placethings && python main_entity.py run_task -n task_camera -en task_forward -a -ra &> /dev/null &
2018-11-27 17:02:51,495 |[INFO] run_cmd: output:
2018-11-27 17:02:51,495 |[INFO] run_worker: run worker on CONTROLLER.0
2018-11-27 17:02:51,495 |[INFO] run_cmd: send command to CONTROLLER.0(h1): cd /opt/github/placethings && python main_entity.py run_task -n task_alert -en task_forward -a -ra &> /dev/null &
2018-11-27 17:02:51,509 |[INFO] run_cmd: output:
2018-11-27 17:02:51,509 |[INFO] run_worker: run worker on P3_2XLARGE.0
2018-11-27 17:02:51,509 |[INFO] run_cmd: send command to P3_2XLARGE.0(h2): cd /opt/github/placethings && python main_entity.py run_task -n task_findObj -en task_findObj -a -ra -al offload &> /dev/null &
2018-11-27 17:02:51,517 |[INFO] run_cmd: output:
press any key to end test
- MININET_SERVER_IP:MININET_SERVER_PORT is the server ip and port you selected to run the script.
- CAMERA_IP:CAMERA_PORT can be found in the output log, for example in the log above, CAMERA is running at
partial output log:
2018-11-27 17:02:51,482 |[INFO] run_cmd: send command to CAMERA.0(h0): cd /opt/github/placethings && python main_entity.py run_task -n task_camera -en task_forward -a -ra &> /dev/null &
python main_entity.py run_task -n forward -en task_forward -a MININET_SERVER_IP:MININET_SERVER_PORT -ra CAMERA_IP:CAMERA_PORT
In the folder Heliot/sensor/RaspberryPi/ run.
Note: add details to update the ip of consumer of images.
get source code and install required packages by following the steps described here
run the python client to control the drone
- MININET_MACHINE_IP:MININET_MACHINE_PORT is the IP and port you used for your data forwarder in section 3
cd airsim_python_client\PythonClient\multirotor
python _multi_drone_threading.py MININET_MACHINE_IP:MININET_MACHINE_PORT
Setup web server as mentioned in installation steps.
We are actively working on developing an Android App. Currently, we refresh the web address hosted by the web server which is setup in the previous step on the user smartphone.
Use any web browser in the Smartphone to open a webpage at http://WEB_SERVER_IP:WEB_SERVER_PORT with auto-refresh enabled.
Another easy way is to use auto refresh Android application. We recommend using Auto refresh web page utility. In the settings tab add http://WEB_SERVER_IP:WEB_SERVER_PORT
you should be able to see the result once the whole system starts running.
- Details are here.