Benchmark framework of compute-in-memory based accelerators for deep neural network (inference engine focused)
- 1477qq
- albertodbgUniversidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
- aolofssonZero ASIC Corporation
- behzaddavoodniaBehpardakht Mellat
- BenjaminChen1024
- bisilicon
- brcarryZhejiang University
- chaochao825SYSU
- chenshih1
- Dream-my-heart
- Ellibola
- emptydream-zdb
- faaiqgwaqarGeorgia Institute of Technology
- feiyuwanzi
- Grecas76
- HaoyuanMa-CSCentraleSupélec
- iboxl
- Ivan-QingShuiLake
- jiangliheng北京
- kannanumUniversity of Ottawa
- liulixinkerryHong Kong SAR
- lockhart2333
- meicale瑞雪兆丰念
- neurosimGeorgia Institute of Technology
- Niklauscode
- onefanwuZhejiang University
- QianpengLi577Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- sahilmaurya007
- Sairam954Brookhaven National Lab
- sheep1222
- SybilD
- tony-liu1996
- wangxdggFZU
- yinlee
- zijkxGuangzhou, China
- zyh0911HKUST(GZ)