A curated collection of resources and research related to the geometry of representations in the brain, deep networks, and beyond
- ahyunSeo
- bongjinkoo
- chester-tan
- danielegrattarola
- dpaiton@delvtech
- dpshi
- dugu9swordByteDance Research
- FlegyasRome, Italy
- fly51flyPRIS
- hbb1ShanghaiTech
- HuXiaolingMGH/Harvard Medical School
- keinsell@stepapp
- KeunJuSongSogang University, NICELAB
- liuzhenqi77@netneurolab
- LWKJJONAKTsinghua University
- Marco-Peg
- mshakerinavaMcGill University
- NeuTTH
- nikitavoloboevMadrid
- NikolasGialitsisSciFY
- parasdahalUniversity of Amsterdam
- Puzzled-HuiInstitute of Medical Robotics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- robert-DL
- robogast@sara-nl
- sazioVision Institute | École Normale Supérieure
- sibasmarakEPFL
- slenderhamDartmouth College
- sophiaasScience Corporation
- spart1cle
- thu-wangz17Beijing, China
- tscohen
- WadaboaAmazon
- WilburDozLondon, UK
- wqdong8Zhejiang University
- ZhangHuiqi77