Windows Perfmon / WMI On-Host Integration for New Relic Infrastructure
- 1
Too many event viewer entries
#57 opened by ahill-itim - 1
error while pulling metrics
#59 opened by vnaveen1984 - 2
Cannot Compile From Source/Release
#52 opened by Nateb1121 - 4
nri-perfom is bloating event viewer
#49 opened by veereshdandur - 3
Unhandled exception
#45 opened by david-garcia-garcia - 0
Event log redirection
#43 opened by veereshdandur - 6
- 2
Nri-perfmon reporting
#34 opened by noisycricket - 2
New Relic Agent not sending perfmon Metrics
#42 opened by wildcardlinux - 2
Events not showing up in New Relic website
#41 opened by tangw123-ot - 0
AD/DNS and nri-perfmon
#40 opened by wildcardlinux - 0
Failed to add custom perfmon counters
#37 opened by oferpld - 1
Error after install...
#35 opened by ahill-itim - 2 perf counters Application name not captured in the data sent to New Relic
#32 opened by ravishankarmj - 2
PerfMon installed but gives "w3ctrs.dll wind32 error code the specific module could not be found" error when loading
#33 opened by HubCatz202 - 3
#31 opened by stevescott34 - 5
Error in the Infra Agent logs
#30 opened by stevescott34 - 4
Many error event logs with message "Exception occurred in polling. Invalid class" are recorded
#24 opened by csk-nr - 5
- 2
- 1
- 3
Eventlog messages all have EventId zero
#27 opened by rpresser - 8
- 1
Multiple instances not sending name attribute
#21 opened by ybookstaber - 2
- 9
- 6
Seeing the following nri-perfmon errors in Windows event logs!! Please assist.
#15 opened by mravikum2020 - 8
Seeing the following nri-perfmon errors in Windows Event Logs in Production! Please see attachment.
#14 opened by mravikum2020 - 1
#16 opened by diego-miranda-inter - 1
- 1
Typo in
#13 opened by rpresser - 38
Perfmon Counters ASP.NET Apps v4.0.30319
#10 opened by mvaanand - 9
Polling interval issue
#7 opened by Wildpipe - 8
Not seeing data in Insights
#12 opened by solomanyan - 11
error="no content to parse
#11 opened by JorgeAlaniz007 - 2
Metrics not visible in New Relic
#8 opened by JohnLahr - 4
Windows Server 2019 and .NET requirements
#9 opened by jeremymaes - 3
Insights not receiving metrics
#3 opened by KWLynch - 1
- 1
Missing files
#2 opened by johnbowker