GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
This is restructured GDAL sources tree fork with CMake build system [codename Borsch].
GDAL is an open source X/MIT licensed translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats. This is a mirror of the GDAL Subversion repository.
- Main site: - Developer and user docs, links to other resources
- SVN repository:
- Download:,
- Wiki: - Bug tracking, various user and developer contributed documentation and hints
- Mailing list:
Borsch repository link:
Sync sources with origin
Clone sources
$ git clone gdal-git
or update sources
$ git pull
Go to borsch repository (opt folder) and execute
$ python organize --src /path_to_gdal_sources/ --dst_name lib_gdal
Build status
OS | Status |
GDAL Windows 32 | |
GDAL Windows 64 | |
GDAL Mac OS X | |
Ubuntu (packaging) | |
Ubuntu (packaging dev) |
Ubuntu PPA
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:nextgis/ppa
$ sudo apt-get install gdal-bin python-gdal
Test status
TODO: Show test states here (AppVeyor, Travis CI, etc.)
Raster drivers
Available raster drivers for now (by all driver directories in sources). Drivers marked with '*' have high priority to be implemented.
Driver | CMaked | External dependencies | Notes |
aaigrid | yes | no | 2 drivers in one (AAIGrid, GRASSASCIIGrid) |
adrg | yes | no | 2 drivers in one (ADRG, SRP) |
aigrid | yes | no | No additional build targets implemented |
airsar | yes | no | - |
arg | yes | no | - |
blx | yes | no | - |
bmp | yes | no | - |
bpg | no | ||
bsb | yes | no | No additional build targets implemented |
cals | yes | no | - |
ceos | yes | no | No additional build targets implemented |
ceos2 | yes | no | - |
coasp | yes | no | - |
cosar | yes | no | - |
ctg | yes | no | - |
dds | no | ||
derived | yes | ||
dimap | yes | no | - |
dods | no | ||
dted | yes | no | No additional build targets implemented |
e00grid | yes | no | - |
ecw | yes | Only Windows yet (need library repository update) | |
eeda | yes | no | No additional build targets implemented |
elas | yes | no | - |
envisat | yes | no | No additional build targets implemented |
epsilon | no | ||
ers | yes | no | No additional build targets implemented |
fit | yes | no | - |
fits | no | ||
georaster | yes | OCI | - |
gff | yes | no | - |
gif | yes | GIF | Russian maps in internet are in gif and OZI |
grass * | no | ||
grib | yes | Optionally: JASPER | No JASPER support implemented; No additional build targets implemented |
gsg | yes | no | 3 drivers in one (GSAG, GSBG, GS7BG) |
gta | no | ||
gtiff | yes | no | Obligatory for building GDAL |
gxf | yes | no | No additional build targets implemented |
hdf4 | yes | HDF4 | 2 drivers in one (HDF4, HDF4Image); hdf-eos target implemented not as a library |
hdf5 * | no | ||
hf2 | yes | no | - |
hfa | yes | no | Obligatory for building GDAL |
idrisi | yes | no | Has the same dir name in /vector |
ignfheightasciigrid | yes | no | - |
ilwis | yes | no | - |
ingr | yes | TIFF? | - |
iris | yes | no | - |
jaxapalsar | yes | no | - |
jdem | yes | no | - |
jp2kak | no | needs Kakadu library | |
jp2lura | no | Requires Lurawave library | |
jpeg | yes | JPEG, JPEG12 | No jpeg12 support implemented? |
jpeg2000 | no | needs libjasper | |
jpegls | no | needs CharLS library | |
jpipkak | no | needs Kakadu library | |
kea | no | ||
kmlsuperoverlay | yes | no | - |
l1b | yes | no | - |
leveller | yes | no | - |
map | yes | no | - |
mbtiles | yes | Optionally: ZLIB? | Requires built sqlite driver; Requires some other drivers? |
mem | yes | no | Obligatory for building GDAL |
mrf | yes | JPEG, JPEG12, TIFF, PNG | |
mrsid | yes | Only Windows yet (need library repository update) | |
mrsid_lidar * | no | ||
msg | no | ||
msgn | yes | no | - |
netcdf * | no | ||
ngsgeoid | yes | no | - |
nitf | yes | Optionally: JPEG, JPEG12, TIFF? | 3 drivers in one (NITF, RPFTOC, ECRGTOC); Requires built jpeg driver; No JPEG12 support implemented; No additional build targets implemented; |
northwood | yes | no | 2 drivers in one (NWT_GRC, NWT_GRD) |
ogdi | no | ||
openjpeg | yes | OPENJPEG | This is JPEG2000 implementation; No additional build targets implemented (plugin so/dll) |
ozi | yes | ZLIB?, GIF? | - |
pcidsk | yes | no | - |
pcraster | no | ||
pdf * | no | ||
pds | yes | no | 4 drivers in one (PDS, ISIS2, ISIS3, VICAR); Has the same dir name in /vector |
pgchip | no | ||
plmosaic | yes | CURL | - |
png | yes | PNG | |
postgisraster | yes | PostgreSQL | - |
r | yes | no | - |
rasdaman | no | ||
rasterlite | yes | Optionally: SPATIALITE? | Requires built sqlite driver |
raw | yes | no | Obligatory for building GDAL |
rda | yes | CURL | - |
rik | yes | no | - |
rmf | yes | no | - |
rs2 | yes | no | - |
saga | yes | no | ... |
sde | no | Needs ESRI SDE (ESRI provided ArcSDE client libraries) | |
sdts | yes | no | Requires inner sdts lib; Has the same dir name in /vector |
sgi | yes | no | - |
srtmhgt | yes | no | - |
terragen | yes | no | - |
til | yes | no | - |
tsx | yes | no | - |
usgsdem | yes | no | - |
vrt | yes | no | Obligatory for building GDAL |
wcs | yes | CURL | Adds some "HTTP Fetching Wrapper" (raster/vector driver?) |
webp | yes | WebP | - |
wms | yes | CURL | - |
wmts | yes | CURL | - |
xpm | yes | no | - |
xyz | yes | no | - |
zmap | yes | no | - |
Vector drivers
Available vector drivers for now (by all driver directories in sources). Drivers marked with '*' have high priority to be implemented.
Driver | CMaked | External dependencies | Notes |
aeronavfaa | yes | no | - |
amigocloud | no | CURL | |
arcgen | yes | no | - |
arcobjects | no | ||
avc | yes | no | 2 drivers in one (AVCBin, AVCE00) |
bna | yes | no | - |
cartodb | yes | CURL | - |
cloudant | yes | CURL | - |
couchdb | yes | CURL | - |
csv | yes | no | - |
csw | yes | CURL | - |
dgn | yes | no | No additional build targets implemented |
dods | no | ||
dwg | no | ... | Currently unsupported |
dxf | yes | no | - |
edigeo | yes | no | - |
elastic | yes | CURL | - |
filegdb * | no | ||
fme | no | ||
geoconcept | yes | no | - |
geojson | yes | no | Obligatory for building GDAL |
geomedia | no | ||
georss | yes | Optionally: EXPAT | - |
gft | yes | CURL | - |
gme | no | ||
gml | yes | Optionally: EXPAT, XERCES, SQLITE3 | No Xerces support implemented; No additional build targets implemented |
gmlas | no | requires Xerces | |
gmt | yes | no | - |
gpsbabel | yes | ? | Built without GPX driver - do we need it? |
gpx | yes | Optionally: EXPAT | - |
grass * | no | ||
gtm | yes | no | - |
htf | yes | no | - |
idb | no | ||
idrisi | yes | no | Requires built Idrisi raster driver; Has the same dir name in /raster |
ili | no | ||
ingres | no | ||
jml | yes | Optionally: EXPAT | - |
kml | yes | ... | ... |
libkml | yes | Google LibKML, Boost | |
mdb | no | ||
mem | yes | no | Obligatory for building GDAL |
mitab | yes | no | Obligatory for building GDAL; Depends on temporary /core/ogr directory |
mongodb * | no | ||
mssqlspatial * | no | ||
mysql * | no | ||
mvt | yes | SQLITE3 | |
nas | no | ||
ntf | yes | no | No additional build targets implemented |
null | yes | ||
oci | yes | OCI | - |
odbc | no | ||
ods | yes | EXPAT | No additional build targets implemented - workaround of gcc bug |
ogdi | no | ||
openair | yes | no | - |
openfilegdb | yes | no | - |
osm | yes | SQLITE3; Optionally: EXPAT | No additional build targets implemented |
pds | yes | no | Requires built PDS raster driver; Has the same dir name in /raster |
pg | yes | PostgreSQL | - |
pgdump | yes | no | - |
pgeo | no | ||
rec | yes | no | - |
s57 | yes | no | Requires inner iso8211 lib; No additional build targets implemented |
sde | no | Needs ESRI SDE (ESRI provided ArcSDE client libraries) | |
sdts | yes | no | Requires inner sdts and iso8211 libs; No additional build targets implemented; Has the same dir name in /raster |
segukooa | yes | no | - |
segy | yes | no | - |
selafin | yes | no | - |
shape | yes | no | - |
sosi | no | ||
sqlite | yes | SQLITE3; Optionally: SPATIALITE, PCRE | No Spatialite and PCRE support implemented; No additional build targets implemented |
sua | yes | no | - |
svg | yes | EXPAT | - |
sxf | yes | no | ... |
tiger | yes | no | No additional build targets implemented |
vdv | yes | no | - |
vfk | yes | SQLITE3 | - |
vrt | yes | no | Obligatory for building GDAL |
walk | no | ||
wasp | yes | no | - |
wfs | yes | CURL | Depends on temporary /core/frmts directory; Requires built WMS driver |
xls * | no | FreeXL | |
xlsx | yes | EXPAT | - |
xplane | yes | no | Obligatory for building GDAL |
Common drivers
Available raster+vector drivers for now (by all driver dirs in sources):
Driver | CMaked | External dependencies | Notes |
gpkg | yes | SQLITE3; Optionally: SPATIALITE | Requires PNG?, JPEG?, WEBP? drivers; No Spatialite support implemented; Former OGR format |
plscenes | yes | CURL | Former OGR format |
cad | yes | OpenCAD | GSoC 2016 |
ngw | yes | CURL |
Network drivers
Available network (GNM) drivers for now (by all driver directories in sources):
Driver | CMaked | External dependencies | Notes |
db | no | no | Requires built PostGIS driver |
file | yes | no | - |
Fresh GDAL build are available in Ubuntu Launchpad -
Version 2.4.0