
GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. Reorganized GDAL repository

Primary LanguageC++

GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library

This is restructured GDAL sources tree fork with CMake build system [codename Borsch].

GDAL is an open source X/MIT licensed translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats. This is a mirror of the GDAL Subversion repository.




Borsch repository link: https://github.com/nextgis-borsch/borsch

Sync sources with origin

Clone sources

$ git clone https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal.git gdal-git

or update sources

$ git pull

Go to borsch repository (opt folder) and execute

$ python tools.py organize --src /path_to_gdal_sources/ --dst_name lib_gdal

Build status

OS Status
GDAL Windows 32 build status
GDAL Windows 64 build status
GDAL Mac OS X build status
Ubuntu (packaging) build status
Ubuntu (packaging dev) build status

Ubuntu PPA

$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties

$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:nextgis/ppa

$ sudo apt-get install gdal-bin python-gdal

Test status

TODO: Show test states here (AppVeyor, Travis CI, etc.)

Raster drivers

Available raster drivers for now (by all driver directories in sources). Drivers marked with '*' have high priority to be implemented.

Driver CMaked External dependencies Notes
aaigrid yes no 2 drivers in one (AAIGrid, GRASSASCIIGrid)
adrg yes no 2 drivers in one (ADRG, SRP)
aigrid yes no No additional build targets implemented
airsar yes no -
arg yes no -
blx yes no -
bmp yes no -
bpg no
bsb yes no No additional build targets implemented
cals yes no -
ceos yes no No additional build targets implemented
ceos2 yes no -
coasp yes no -
cosar yes no -
ctg yes no -
dds no
derived yes
dimap yes no -
dods no
dted yes no No additional build targets implemented
e00grid yes no -
ecw yes Only Windows yet (need library repository update)
eeda yes no No additional build targets implemented
elas yes no -
envisat yes no No additional build targets implemented
epsilon no
ers yes no No additional build targets implemented
fit yes no -
fits no
georaster yes OCI -
gff yes no -
gif yes GIF Russian maps in internet are in gif and OZI
grass * no
grib yes Optionally: JASPER No JASPER support implemented; No additional build targets implemented
gsg yes no 3 drivers in one (GSAG, GSBG, GS7BG)
gta no
gtiff yes no Obligatory for building GDAL
gxf yes no No additional build targets implemented
hdf4 yes HDF4 2 drivers in one (HDF4, HDF4Image); hdf-eos target implemented not as a library
hdf5 * no
hf2 yes no -
hfa yes no Obligatory for building GDAL
idrisi yes no Has the same dir name in /vector
ignfheightasciigrid yes no -
ilwis yes no -
ingr yes TIFF? -
iris yes no -
jaxapalsar yes no -
jdem yes no -
jp2kak no needs Kakadu library
jp2lura no Requires Lurawave library
jpeg yes JPEG, JPEG12 No jpeg12 support implemented?
jpeg2000 no needs libjasper
jpegls no needs CharLS library
jpipkak no needs Kakadu library
kea no
kmlsuperoverlay yes no -
l1b yes no -
leveller yes no -
map yes no -
mbtiles yes Optionally: ZLIB? Requires built sqlite driver; Requires some other drivers?
mem yes no Obligatory for building GDAL
mrf yes JPEG, JPEG12, TIFF, PNG
mrsid yes Only Windows yet (need library repository update)
mrsid_lidar * no
msg no
msgn yes no -
netcdf * no
ngsgeoid yes no -
nitf yes Optionally: JPEG, JPEG12, TIFF? 3 drivers in one (NITF, RPFTOC, ECRGTOC); Requires built jpeg driver; No JPEG12 support implemented; No additional build targets implemented;
northwood yes no 2 drivers in one (NWT_GRC, NWT_GRD)
ogdi no
openjpeg yes OPENJPEG This is JPEG2000 implementation; No additional build targets implemented (plugin so/dll)
ozi yes ZLIB?, GIF? -
pcidsk yes no -
pcraster no
pdf * no
pds yes no 4 drivers in one (PDS, ISIS2, ISIS3, VICAR); Has the same dir name in /vector
pgchip no
plmosaic yes CURL -
png yes PNG
postgisraster yes PostgreSQL -
r yes no -
rasdaman no
rasterlite yes Optionally: SPATIALITE? Requires built sqlite driver
raw yes no Obligatory for building GDAL
rda yes CURL -
rik yes no -
rmf yes no -
rs2 yes no -
saga yes no ...
sde no Needs ESRI SDE (ESRI provided ArcSDE client libraries)
sdts yes no Requires inner sdts lib; Has the same dir name in /vector
sgi yes no -
srtmhgt yes no -
terragen yes no -
til yes no -
tsx yes no -
usgsdem yes no -
vrt yes no Obligatory for building GDAL
wcs yes CURL Adds some "HTTP Fetching Wrapper" (raster/vector driver?)
webp yes WebP -
wms yes CURL -
wmts yes CURL -
xpm yes no -
xyz yes no -
zmap yes no -

Vector drivers

Available vector drivers for now (by all driver directories in sources). Drivers marked with '*' have high priority to be implemented.

Driver CMaked External dependencies Notes
aeronavfaa yes no -
amigocloud no CURL
arcgen yes no -
arcobjects no
avc yes no 2 drivers in one (AVCBin, AVCE00)
bna yes no -
cartodb yes CURL -
cloudant yes CURL -
couchdb yes CURL -
csv yes no -
csw yes CURL -
dgn yes no No additional build targets implemented
dods no
dwg no ... Currently unsupported
dxf yes no -
edigeo yes no -
elastic yes CURL -
filegdb * no
fme no
geoconcept yes no -
geojson yes no Obligatory for building GDAL
geomedia no
georss yes Optionally: EXPAT -
gft yes CURL -
gme no
gml yes Optionally: EXPAT, XERCES, SQLITE3 No Xerces support implemented; No additional build targets implemented
gmlas no requires Xerces
gmt yes no -
gpsbabel yes ? Built without GPX driver - do we need it?
gpx yes Optionally: EXPAT -
grass * no
gtm yes no -
htf yes no -
idb no
idrisi yes no Requires built Idrisi raster driver; Has the same dir name in /raster
ili no
ingres no
jml yes Optionally: EXPAT -
kml yes ... ...
libkml yes Google LibKML, Boost
mdb no
mem yes no Obligatory for building GDAL
mitab yes no Obligatory for building GDAL; Depends on temporary /core/ogr directory
mongodb * no
mssqlspatial * no
mysql * no
mvt yes SQLITE3
nas no
ntf yes no No additional build targets implemented
null yes
oci yes OCI -
odbc no
ods yes EXPAT No additional build targets implemented - workaround of gcc bug
ogdi no
openair yes no -
openfilegdb yes no -
osm yes SQLITE3; Optionally: EXPAT No additional build targets implemented
pds yes no Requires built PDS raster driver; Has the same dir name in /raster
pg yes PostgreSQL -
pgdump yes no -
pgeo no
rec yes no -
s57 yes no Requires inner iso8211 lib; No additional build targets implemented
sde no Needs ESRI SDE (ESRI provided ArcSDE client libraries)
sdts yes no Requires inner sdts and iso8211 libs; No additional build targets implemented; Has the same dir name in /raster
segukooa yes no -
segy yes no -
selafin yes no -
shape yes no -
sosi no
sqlite yes SQLITE3; Optionally: SPATIALITE, PCRE No Spatialite and PCRE support implemented; No additional build targets implemented
sua yes no -
svg yes EXPAT -
sxf yes no ...
tiger yes no No additional build targets implemented
vdv yes no -
vfk yes SQLITE3 -
vrt yes no Obligatory for building GDAL
walk no
wasp yes no -
wfs yes CURL Depends on temporary /core/frmts directory; Requires built WMS driver
xls * no FreeXL
xlsx yes EXPAT -
xplane yes no Obligatory for building GDAL

Common drivers

Available raster+vector drivers for now (by all driver dirs in sources):

Driver CMaked External dependencies Notes
gpkg yes SQLITE3; Optionally: SPATIALITE Requires PNG?, JPEG?, WEBP? drivers; No Spatialite support implemented; Former OGR format
plscenes yes CURL Former OGR format
cad yes OpenCAD GSoC 2016
ngw yes CURL

Network drivers

Available network (GNM) drivers for now (by all driver directories in sources):

Driver CMaked External dependencies Notes
db no no Requires built PostGIS driver
file yes no -


Fresh GDAL build are available in Ubuntu Launchpad - https://launchpad.net/~nextgis/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages

Version 2.4.0