GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. Reorganized GDAL repository
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Alternative layer name support in SXF
#33 opened by BishopGIS - 0
NGW: SetAttributeFilter in batch mode
#32 opened by BishopGIS - 8
Default build on MacOS
#31 opened by BishopGIS - 7
CMake fails
#30 opened by kerim371 - 0
building gdal with MSVC 2017
#29 opened by jbensabat - 1
Update to future 3.1.2 release
#27 opened by BishopGIS - 0
- 1
-lco ENCODING support for Mapinfo File format
#20 opened by simgislab - 2
KMZ can't be opened
#24 opened by simgislab - 2
Where is
#25 opened - 3
SXF. Добавить ключ, который будет при конвертации добавлять поля со значениями из классификатора
#5 opened by yellow-sky - 0
- 1
wrapdateline reprojection problem
#22 opened by simgislab - 1
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Update to GDAL 2.2.2
#21 opened by BishopGIS - 3
ImportError: No module named _gdal_array
#17 opened by simgislab - 4
Simplify CMake default config options
#14 opened by BishopGIS - 3
- 1
GML is used instead KML
#18 opened by drnextgis - 1
- 1
HDF can't be opened
#19 opened by simgislab - 0
Update to GDAL 2.2.1
#16 opened by BishopGIS - 10
Internal libraries are ignored
#13 opened by mloskot - 1
Update to 2.1.3
#11 opened by BishopGIS - 0
Update to 2.1.2
#10 opened by BishopGIS - 1
gnmmanage: Некорректное сообщение об ошибке
#8 opened by drnextgis - 2
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