
Contains launch files that start the Turtlebot (both for master and host pc) for the different exploration packages

Primary LanguageCMake


Contains launch files that launch the Turtlebot (both for master and host pc) for Frontier Exploration and RRT Exploration.

To conveniently install this package along with the source code of RRT Exploration and Frontier Exploration, follow these instructions:

  1. Make sure that wstool is installed

sudo apt install python-wstool

  1. Create a new catkin_workspace
mkdir ~/exploration_ws
cd ~/exploration_ws
  1. Use wstool to install the packages
wstool init src https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nfopma/turtlebot_exploration/master/turtlebot_exploration.rosinstall
  1. Compile and source the workspace
source devel/setup.bash