- 4
Allow to override getValue method
#1510 opened by JulienBier - 9
Angular 18 Support SSR
#1483 opened by aparzi - 4
Testing of standalone components
#1508 opened by Viktor-Ivliev - 3
- 3
New injection token replacing USE_STORE has a typo in ISOALTE_TRANSLATE_SERVICE
#1505 opened by sopelt - 3
v16 returns undefined when translating booleans.
#1503 opened by pjcav - 1
- 3
missing MIT license in resulting package.json
#1443 opened by mn-42 - 1
Latency when loading the website, because Translation Key appears when user opens our website
#1467 opened by IbrahimALismail - 4
How to use ngx-translate in Angular 17, Knowing that AppModule is not implemented?
#1459 opened by red1code - 1
TranslateService.use with multiple calls causes to display the wrong language
#1479 opened by Servonius - 1
Lazy Load Multiple Translation Files
#1502 opened by voi99 - 1
How to use `extends` (and/or) `isolate` to provide translations at the component/lazy-loaded module level?
#1501 opened by piotaixr - 1
Typo in installation guide
#1500 opened by mihailmotorkin - 2
feat(wiki): link to the edition of the new wiki
#1499 opened by rbalet - 1
Make it easier to find the v16 migration guide
#1497 opened by json-derulo - 11
Updated documentation covering Angular 18
#1488 opened by CodeAndWeb - 1
Cannot disable browser translation
#1492 opened by jerryzhao0423 - 11
How to handle import TranslateModule.forChild in module when creating a standalone component in an NgModule Application
#1457 opened by chidav77 - 14
Support for Angular v18
#1481 opened by MarikaKonturova - 3
Performance optimization: Introduce pure translatePipe
#1490 opened by endlacer - 0
Typo in documentation and readme
#1444 opened by kurtivdb - 0
does not report parsing failure if a duplicate json key gets inserted when merging two translation json files
#1491 opened by folsze - 1
Correct implementation in angular 18.1
#1485 opened by mzeromski - 1
- 3
- 1
Translate service extend and isolate flags are getting rested because of it translation not working on some routes v18
#1486 opened by rishu007 - 1
How to apply new lang to string objects in components
#1484 opened by alimdi - 31
Support for Angular v17
#1460 opened by kgish - 2
Angular 17 SSR. Standalone implementation - NullInjectorError: No provider for _TranslatePipe!
#1465 opened by logicappsource - 1
- 4
Using ngx-translate in a standalone component
#1462 opened by mtabaj - 3 is pointing another website
#1477 opened by muratcorlu - 0
- 0
- 0
ncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module (at scripts.js:16887:1) main.ts:13 Error: Unexpected value 'TranslateModule' imported by the module 'AppModule'. Please add an @NgModule annotation. at verifySemanticsOfNgModuleDef (core.mjs:28868:5) at core.mjs:28878:5 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at verifySemanticsOfNgModuleDef (core.mjs:28876:43) at AppModule.get (core.mjs:28833:23) at getInjectorDef (core.mjs:333:1) at walkProviderTree (core.mjs:5550:1) at core.mjs:5500:6 at core.mjs:4701:1 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
#1469 opened by visurase - 0
Add opption to pass callback in translate pipe
#1468 opened by PseudoElement - 0
I am trying to add Arabic language. I have configured package correctly but some labels are translated some are not
#1466 opened by Yamesh1994 - 0
'EventEmitter' and 'DefaultLangChangeEvent' is declared but its value is never read.
#1463 opened by laurentvandelle - 1
ngx-translate creates billions of tiny files
#1461 opened by worthy7 - 2
How to handle import TranslateModule.forChild in module when moving to standalone components
#1452 opened by LoganDupont - 3
bump angular 17
#1455 opened by damingerdai - 0
Translation keys are ignored when dot format and nested format are mixed
#1456 opened by marianschiller93 - 0
setTranslation is confusing the translation
#1454 opened by Chris-Max-P - 0
reuse last loaded loder in standalone component which doesn't load by routes
#1453 opened by ahmed-a-ibrahim - 1
Issue in Angular 16
#1446 opened by slash851 - 0
Translations mixed in app between two languages.
#1450 opened by danrod7 - 0
InnerText gets repeated/duplicated when translate directive being used
#1449 opened by maulikpatel-prescinto - 0
Print parsing errors to console
#1448 opened by QuentinFarizon - 0
String with value of 'empty' is being translated by translate pipe to [Object object]
#1447 opened by Lavos96