- 0
- 2
Why not include DBI in the guide
#231 opened by nlnw - 2
Update the emummc.txt
#204 opened by dandud100 - 0
- 1
Explain how to navigate TegraExplorer in the "Partitioning the SD Card" section of the guide
#207 opened by karasuhebi - 3
- 3
- 3
New installer packages both games and Payload
#197 opened by riz7861 - 0
update supported version in index page
#195 opened by MechanicalDragon0687 - 3
Updated emu_boot.bmp
#187 opened by HenryBaby - 2
- 2
- 2
Root access is unneeded when injecting payload in Linux, via following the standard guide.
#174 opened by linusrg1 - 4
Adding Hekate SD partition instructions
#154 opened by bela333 - 1
hekate/atmosphere now supports 12.0.3
#159 opened - 1
Can't find any topic of what every joycon pin does
#152 opened by OscarLake - 1
Updating Atmosphere doesn't reset the settings
#145 opened by Araraura - 0
License year
#142 opened by Pixelator23 - 3
Launch Atmosphere FSS0 EmuMMC failed, says "emummc is forced but not enabled"
#129 opened by asingingfish - 2
Updating disabled AutoRCM
#123 opened by BlastFurnaceNS - 1
Switch Guide Suggestions
#118 opened by DreamCatcher56 - 0
Add Warning about Atmosphere-Updater
#116 opened by Scrumplex - 4
#114 opened - 1
Licence Year
#109 opened by Gengar60 - 5
why not make the big pin be marked as 7
#48 opened by ImUrX - 10
- 1
I hope add Chinese translation
#93 opened by kavid - 1
I'm willing to add a French translation
#107 opened - 7
Lockpick homebrew is deprecated
#85 opened by shchmue - 2
Easier steps for sd partitioning.
#72 opened by MrThanasiz - 1
Dead link on the updating guide
#83 opened by ioistired - 8
90DNS changes
#71 opened by aveao - 1
Small Improvement Suggestions for emuMMC Tutorial
#37 opened by Rvby1 - 1
Another 404 link in the FAQ
#52 opened by NightScript370 - 2
- 1
404 page in FAQ
#49 opened by NightScript370 - 1
patch test should refer to separate page
#44 opened by Dennis-Mulder - 1
typos in the guide
#35 opened by Dennis-Mulder - 12
- 5